Monday, February 1, 2016

By using Saudi money, Umno committed ‘treason’ in GE13

YOURSAY | ‘No sovereign country would allow its parties to accept money from another country for election purposes.’
Multi Racial: Basically Deputy Transport Minister Abdul Aziz Kaprawi has just admitted that Umno committed treason.
If their president accepted huge sums of money from the Arab royal family to help them to win the general election, doesn't that make their president, who is also Malaysian PM, obligated to the Arab royal family.
Why would the Arab royal family want to help Umno if they have nothing to gain?
If it is not corruption, then he should be trial for treason. The hole just gets bigger and bigger every time they tried to explain the RM2.6 billion ‘donation’.
Debater: Abdul Aziz, of course, there is an issue.
No sovereign country allows its political parties to accept money in the form of donations or by whatever means from another sovereign country for election purposes, lest its political parties be influenced or controlled by foreign countries, to the detriment of the nation.
Voice: So, can we say the last GE can be declared null and void as such large sum has been used to influence the election result?
The Election Commission should not be silent and act like nothing is happening and should start investigating and take action against all responsible.
Mr Bond: If foreign funds are found to be involved in a local election, it is tantamount to interference, something which Malaysian strongly object.
Can you imagine if DAP received billions from foreign funds for local elections too?
Sabahan: This uneducated, illiterate and ill-informed stooge did not realise that his statement confirms that our elections are not free and are influenced by foreign interests, i.e. the Saudi royal family.
This will certainly not go well with the Saudis by smearing their royal family. Can you imagine the upheaval that will occur if PAP (People’s Action Party) said that they won the Singapore elections using money 'donated' by one of the sultans in Malaysia?
Telestai!: Abdul Aziz, enough of bullsh*t. Firstly it is not donation, believe me.
I've worked with the Arabs and they are not known to be generous. No sane person would believe the Arabs donated RM2.6 billion to a faraway land that they could give a pooh about.
Islam came to Malaysia at least half a century earlier than Christianity but tell me, what have the Arabs contributed to nation building. Look at the missionary schools like the convents, La Salle Brothers schools, Assunta etc.
They provided free education with little funding from the government. Were the students from these schools forced into Christianity?
No, go and ask PM Najib and his brothers, since they came from St John's. But here we are, demonising the Christians making them the national punching bag.
Sali Tambap: It is obvious that this is a very corrupt government. And the ministers from Umno are not ashamed of it.
One can only wonder why people who are bragging to hold Islamic value can be so corrupted and support those leaders who are corrupt.
It is already reported in BBC news that Malaysia is on the same level as Somalia and North Korea in corruption.
GE14Now!: Umno has been practicing corruption since its very inception and that is why instead of denouncing corruption they see no problems with it. Instead, they accept corruption with open arms.
I think even the simplest-minded person will be able to see the holes in this minister's explanation. For them, a simple ‘it's over’ will suffice and they expect us to accept everything that these alleged crooks say in toto.
In any organisation, a person who has brought such disrepute to the organisation would have been required to step down.
But our 'noble' PM does not. He pockets the money and then allows other to call him a 'noble' person.
Uragt: It just does not add up. If the Saudi royal family wanted to help fight against Muslim Brotherhood/IS, wouldn’t it be better to donate to neighbouring Syria or Palestine, both much closer than a far distant Malaysia?
And in the Malaysian political field just who are Islamic extremists that the Saudis are concerned?
Did Najib solicit for the RM2.6 billion? Or the Saudis had very good intelligence and surprised Najib with it?
Yellowhero: What really baffles me is that these Umno fellows (plus a few other Malay NGOs) do not have any moral understanding of what is right or wrong, accountability, integrity, rule of law etc.
But these same men will be the first to foam at their mouths to defend race, religion and royalty. Are you really God-fearing Muslims? Does Allah endorse what you do?
Send in the Clowns: EC, any comments from you? Huge sum of dirty money spent on 13th GE, why is this illegitimate Umno-BN government not disqualified? -Mkini

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