Friday, January 1, 2016


Two Australian ministers resign over separate scandals (
Two Australian government ministers have resigned, one amid allegations of bar-room misconduct, the other after his home was raided.
Case No. 1. Jamie Briggs said he was resigning as Minister for Cities and the Built Environment after a female public servant had complained about his conduct in a Hong Kong bar during a recent official visit.
The daily newspaper the "Adelaide Advertiser" said it had learned that Briggs had told the woman that she had "piercing eyes," and that he put his arm around her and later kissed her on the cheek as they left the venue.
Case No. 2. Australian Federal Police investigation into Mal Brough alleges he had illegally copied a former parliamentary speaker's diaries.
Special Minister of State for Defense Materiel and Science Brough had his home raided amid allegations saying he had misled parliament and played a role in the illegal copying of diaries of a former parliamentary speaker.

My comments : Well Australia is a negara kafir, populated by mostly orang kafir. So they have higher moral standards.
Although it is part of their culture for men and women to shake hands, hug or kiss each other on the cheek, this time the Minister resigned because the woman made a complaint. The Minister just resigned. No wasting time.
In Malaysia the Islamic leader, 'Anugerah Tuhan', 'saya pemimpin Islam' and also that Parti Isle leader appeared 100% naked in videos and they still make them leaders of the Opposition.
Then that retard wal ostard ferrari fellow also appeared 100% naked in a video and people still go and listen to his ceramah. That is the moral standard of the Muslims in a so called Islamic country.
That other pirate fellow groped a woman in a cigar club and also nothing happened. The woman had actually made a report. Nothing happened. Another Muslim fellow showing a great example.
Only when that Chinese leader (yup another kafir) appeared naked in a video, he immediately accepted responsibility, apologised and resigned. Just like the two kafir Australian Ministers.
It looks like the kafir people adhere to higher moral standards in that when they are caught with their pants down, they apologise and resign. End of story.
Here is some slightly old news about more kafir people, this time in Japan:
Two Japanese ministers resign amid political funds scandal; PM Shinzo Abe apologises ( )
20 Oct 2014
- two ministers resigned over allegations of corruption, violation of election laws
- trade minister Yuko Obuchi resignation for misuse of political funds
- spending $700,000 on entertainment to political supporters
- justice minister Midori resign for distributing personalised fans, violation of electoral law.
- prime minister Shinzo Abe apologised and said replace them both immediately.
My comments : Personalised fans? Those paper fans? And spending US$700,000 for entertainment? Anyway they resigned.
In Malaysia, that Gangnam concert cost millions of US Dollars. Who paid for that? No one resigned.
There is a WSJ video where a fellow in Pekan shows a black and white letter from the gomen saying that he will be taken on an all expense paid trip to Mecca. Who paid for that?
The Prime Minister announced publicly that he will give that Chinese school RM3 million - if the people continued to vote for him !!
We certainly do have different moral values. Its a different morality altogether. A people without morals. And then claim to be 'Islamic'.
Forget about that RM2.6 Billion. They do not even know how to count that. They do not even know how many zeroes there are in 2.6 billion.
Instead they get worked up over khalwat, someone rearing a dog, halal trolleys, some bookshop selling a book which was not banned yet, cannot play guitar and piano and cannot attend Christmas celebrations.
Anyway folks, the MACC will be submitting their report about 1MDB to the AG soon. They say noone can have access to this report.
This is a matter of huge public interest. The report must be made known to the public.
Plus the PAC is still in its deliberations. The PAC should and must ask the MACC to not only extend a copy of their report to the PAC but also brief the PAC and the BNM about their investigations.
Since all three parties, PAC, 1MDB and BNM are investigating this 1MDB and its related matters they should all be on the same page.
This is not a strange request. The PAC is already awaiting the Auditor General's report on the same matter. Because the Auditor Gen's report will provide more facts about the case, which is what the PAC should have.
Sadly though, but quite predictably the Auditor Gen says that his report will be delayed - maybe until after Hari Raya according to some. Gua tak tahu. Hari Raya Cina atau Hari Raya Melayu?
So while waiting for the Auditor General to celebrate Hari Raya (Cina punya tak boleh, Melayu punya ok, halal) the MACC should present their findings to the PAC so that the PAC gets maximum facts to complete their hearing.
Please note that the PAC which means 'Public Accounts Committee' is a creature of Parliament. The PAC represents the rakyat. So do the MACC and BNM.
Finally some academic guy with a 'Keling' in his name has said that the PM has the support of the rakyat.
This guy must either be from another planet or he is smoking something worse than vape. He is also oblivious to the polls being done which show that support for the PM has plummeted. Such an obvious case of cium bontot. Orang yang tak sekolah pun dah fed up dengan PM ini.
It reflects on the quality of our academics and also ultimately the quality of the unemployable graduates they produce. -

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