Friday, January 29, 2016

Mukhriz shown the door as supreme council decides his fate

Mukhriz Mahathir has been asked to leave the Umno supreme council meeting, where his fate as the Kedah menteri besar is expected to be decided.
The son of former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad had arrived at the Umno headquarters an hour earlier and was greeted with cheers of 'Hidup Mukhriz' (Long Live Mukhriz).
Speaking to reporters later, the embattled menteri besar said he was asked to leave the meeting.
"They said that those who were present but not invited should leave. But it was only aiming at me.
"Instructions were from the secretary general (Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor)," he added.
Earlier at Masjid Negara, Mukhriz told reporters that he had not heard anything about his job being at risk.
"I haven't heard any information. [...] the source of that info is questionable," he told reporters after Friday prayers.
Mahathir also dismissed Umno president Najib Abdul Razak's meeting at the Kedah palace in Kuala Lumpur earlier today.
"If they want to meet, jumpa lah (then meet)," said Mahathir who was also present at the National Mosque .
[More to follow]

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