Friday, January 29, 2016

Mukhriz supporters protest outside Bashah’s office

Supporters of Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir hold banners rejecting Bakar Bata assemblyman Datuk Ahmad Bashah Hanipah as the new MB, in Alor Setar today. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Hasnoor Hussain, January 29, 2016.Supporters of Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir hold banners rejecting Bakar Bata assemblyman Datuk Ahmad Bashah Hanipah as the new MB, in Alor Setar today. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Hasnoor Hussain, January 29, 2016.A crowd has gathered peacefully in front of Datuk Seri Ahmad Bashah Md Hanipah's office in Alor Setar today, amid speculation that the Palace has given its consent for the swearing in of a new Kedah menteri besar on Monday.
Said to be from a few districts in the state, those who gathered held up banners rejecting Bashah while supporting Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir to continue as menteri  besar.
Fifty-four year old Ramli Abdul Rahman from Pokok Sena, who was among those gathered, said they were not happy with the political controversy happening in the state.
"The current administration is good and there are no problems. So, why the need to change the menteri besar all of a sudden," Ramli asked.
He denied being paid to appear there and also denied that he was representing any political party in the protest.
Instead, Ramli described Mukhriz as friendly and easily approachable.
"Compared with the menteri besar before this, it’s easy to meet Mukhriz and people feel comfortable in his presence," he said in reference to PAS's Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak, who was MB when former opposition coalition Pakatan Harapan led the state from 2008 to 2013.
"There is no bureaucracy in Mukhriz's administration, it is easy to meet him for aid purposes or for the public to share their problems."
Meanwhile, Mohd Abdullah Hamid, 31, who also took part in the protest, shared similar sentiments, that Mukhriz was easily approachable, adding that there were many activities planned to attract the Gen Y community, which is often sidelined by the government.
"The majority of youths support Mukhriz, they like his leadership qualities which are youth friendly.
"Under Bashah, we do not know. I don't think he would be able to understand what the young people in Kedah want," he said.
Abdullah, who works at a telecommunications outlet in Alor Setar, said that if Mukhriz was replaced, they will not support Umno and will instead punish the ruling party in the next general election.
"Don't ever think the youths in Kedah are stupid, if they change our menteri besar, we will change the Umno government in the next election.
"Don't sideline our support because we will be the game changers in the coming elections," Abdullah, who is a voter in Bashah's constituency of Bakar Bata, said.
The gathering lasted for 20 minutes and dispersed peacefully, in the presence of a few police officers.
They were seen carrying banners with messages, such as "Tolak Bashah" (Reject Bashah), "Kami Tidak Mahu Bashah Jadi MB" (We don't want Bashah as MB), among others.
A study by the Kedah Information department last week found that many sympathised and was supportive of Mukhriz as they felt that efforts to remove him were unnecessary.
Mainstream media have reported that a new Kedah menteri besar could be sworn in on Monday.

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