Monday, February 1, 2016


CIMB group chairman Nazir Razak also dubs the former Umno minister as the voice of moderation, transparency and good governance.
(Free Malaysia Today) – Rafidah Aziz is the “government’s conscience”, said renowned banker Nazir Razak, who also praised her as a “strong voice for moderation, transparency and good governance”.
Nazir, who is the brother of Prime Minister Najib Razak, said this about the former Cabinet minister in an Instagram post yesterday.
He also posted a black and white photograph of his late father former premier Abdul Razak Hussein shaking hands with a young Rafidah and wondered out loud: “Did he know that she would go on to lead Wanita (Umno), become the region’s longest serving and best trade minister, and then after retirement, emerge as the government’s conscience and strong voice for moderation, transparency and good governance?”
Rafidah served as the International Trade and Industry Minister from 1987 to 2008, and also served in the Umno supreme council for 38 years.
Of late, she has been vocal about current issues in the nation, often taking to Facebook to voice her displeasure against the administration.
She had earlier this month voiced her admiration for Razak, who she said had made “developing the nation and its people” his goal.
On his part, CIMB group chairman Nazir has also put up various Instagram posts showing his disappointment about the turn of events in the country.
In an earlier post, Nazir had written: “The future terrifies me: I just can’t see how our institutions can recover, how our political atmosphere can become less toxic, how our international reputation can be repaired.
“I think we have to pause, fix our moral compass and deal with our structural problems holistically. I believe we need a National Consultative Council 2 now.”

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