Thursday, January 28, 2016

So Apandi, dead kings tell no tales?

YOURSAY | ‘Generally, lies are of two types. Clever lies and preposterous ones.’
Negarawan: When one starts covering a lie with another lie, eventually it will be impossible to cover up any more as it will lead to a situation where there are glaring inconsistencies and errors.
This is the current predicament of the perpetrators, in which dubious money transfers intended as ‘payments’ were transacted through obscure finance companies which are closed immediately after the completion of the transfers.
From ‘payments’ they were transformed into ‘donations’, which now even implicate the Saudi royal family. This has become an international embarrassment for the Saudis.
Kamaapo: Generally, lies are of two types. Clever lies and preposterous ones.
Mf: The ‘donation’ happened in 2013. King Abdullah Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia passed away last year and our attorney-general (AG) said the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) interviewed the donor.
So did MACC interview King Abdullah before he passed away or after? This is getting really funnier and funnier.
SusahKes: Right. So now they want to pin it on a dead man, whom they know won't talk. Oh dear, the levels of incredulity that PM Najib Abdul Razak and his men drags us into. Sigh.
Senior Citizen: The transfer of funds was done by an unknown company registered in the British Virgin Islands through a subsidiary of the Aabar Group, which has business link to 1MDB.
So it is obvious the fund could somehow be linked to 1MDB. All this donation from the Saudi royal family is purely bulls**t. You don't have to be a money-market expert to know this.
Anonymous_1386862049: Just assuming that the RM2.6 billion is indeed taken from 1MDB, and the major part was then returned, isn't this is a big loss to 1MDB in particular and to the rakyat of Malaysia in general?
And in order to concoct this donation from the Saudi royal family, what price is being paid to the go-between?
The PM would be at the mercy of this intermediary and be held to ransom for the rest of his life.
Perak Boleh: How convenient. Dead men tell no tales. The beneficiaries of the late Saudi king should ask Najib to whom and when the balance of RM2.03 billion was returned.
Anonymous #21828131: If the money was unwittingly transferred from the Saudi royal’s coffers without approval from the late king then there is a case to answer.
Well, criminal breach of trust (CBT) could have taken place by people who could have access to such funds.
The Saudi government have not officially acknowledged this issue. My thinking is why drag the late Saudi king into this imbroglio? This news made global headlines and was carried by all major news networks.
By the way our home minister even claimed to have spoken to a representative of the donor. How is this possible? How was this person related to the late Saudi king? Maybe our home minister could answer who he was referring to.
Gggg: The other thing that puzzles me was how could someone be so sure as to bank the money in the personal account of an individual, that it would not get missing or god forbid, the account being frozen due to other factors.
They must be so sure of the good health of the individual and also so sure of all the events that is going to happen to the individual after the money went into his personal account. It just doesn't make sense.
The Saudis made a huge mistake. The best way to curb the rise of Muslim Brotherhood is donate the sum to DAP to win the general election and Malaysia would remain a peaceful moderate country, according to the constitution as our forefather intended this country to be.
Mojo Jojo: Indeed, what so strange about huge sums of funds transferred from one personal account to another?
I mean, it only sounds like the Saudis gave money to Najib personally so that he may use our national resources to fulfil a foreign Wahhabi agenda.
By the way, isn't the Muslim Brotherhood an offshoot of Wahhabism?
Restless: The money trail of RM2.03 billion will reveal the identity of the imaginary donor if he exists.
Apandi, the burden of proof is on you. It is totally absurd for you to make a statement to absolve the alleged criminal without providing at least the minimal evidence.
Please don't forget Bank Negara has all the evidence of the transactions. Lies built upon lies will eventually contradict themselves. It’s an effort in futility to fight against the law of nature.
Hplooi: In the coming days we will see such rank lies unravelling.
But unfortunately, Umno hicks’ notion of truth is so stretched that they will believe in the tooth fairy or spaghetti monster from outer space if so commanded by dear leader Kim Ah Jib. -Mkini

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