Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Cops refute IS threats in Sabah

Sabah police today denied allegations of threats posed by Islamic State (IS) terrorist groups at several areas in the state as spread through WhatsApp chats since yesterday.
Sabah Police Commissioner Abd Rashid Harun said the information was just rumours and he appealed to the public to stop believing them and refrain from spreading unverified news.
News about terrorist threats which went viral via WhatsApp since yesterday was believed to have been spread by irresponsible parties after police assets and personnel were deployed in several operations and roadblocks around the city area.
"The deployment of assets and personnel is a normal practice and has nothing to do with any incident or threat as claimed in the news," he told reporters after launching 'Ops Selamat 8' in conjunction with the Chinese New year celebration in Kota Kinabalu today.
He urged members of the public to contact the police station or the nearest district police headquarters to obtain whatever information and to avoid listening to rumours.
"The police will also issue a statement to the press immediately should there be any alarming news (threats)," he said.
Meanwhile, commenting on the Op Selamat 8, Abd Rashid said the police were focusing on security around housing estates and road safety.
"We urge motorists to always abide by traffic signs and refrain from driving while under the influence of alcohol.
"Those leaving their houses for a long period should inform the nearest police station so that police can patrol the areas to prevent break-ins," he said.

1 comment:

  1. Pengakuan tulus dari saya ibu lilis TKI malaysia.saya cuma mau ngucapkan terima kasih atas bantuannya MBAH.angka anda tembus 100%,saya sudah kemana-mana mencari angka yang jitu selalu gak ada hasilnya,sampai- sampai hutang malah menumpuk,tampah sengaja seorang teman lagi cari nomer jitu di internet,kebetulan dapat nomor hp MBAH LIMPAH.ada orang berkomentar katanya perna di bantu melalui jalan togel,jadi saya hubungi minta angka bocoran TOTO 6D ternyata tembus,alhamdulillah saya menang 470.juta.saya bangga sekali ternyata angka ritual MBAH LIMPAH tembus 6D.baru kali ini saya mendapat angka ritual yang benar-benar jitu,bagi saudarah-saudara di indo mau di luar negeri,apabila punya masalah hutang sudah lama belum lunas jangan putus asah,beliau bisa membantu meringankan masalah,ingin merubah nasib seperti saya HUBUNGI 085312407999 MBAH LIMPAH..saya sangat bersyukur karna melalui bantuan MBAH LIMPAH kini kehidupan saya sudah jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya,ingat kesempatan tidah akan datang untuk yang kedua kalinya terima kasih..


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