Friday, February 26, 2016

It’s now clear, we’ve a cabinet full of accomplices

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YOURSAY | ‘Azalina is a member of a cabinet led by someone who has failed to account.’
Anonymous_1421806811: Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Azalina Othman Said, the reason Umno deputy president Muhyiddin Yassin continues to speak out is because none of the wrongs done by PM Najib Razak have been corrected.
In fact, there appears to be a conspiracy to protect Najib at all cost.
Umno knows it cannot hoodwink the urban voters and rely on the rural Malays to support it. Now that Muhyiddin messages are reaching the rural folk, the agony is too painful for Umno to bear so there is an all-out attack against Muhyiddin.
Sacking Muhyiddin will be a disaster for Umno but does Najib and his supporters care anymore?
Quigonbond: I think Muhyiddin is smart on this one. By not overtly challenging Najib, he can't be easily removed.
I wonder who's setting worst example for Umno grassroots. A passive leader, or a corrupt one? Azalina knows the answer.
Appum: Like in magic show Umno has suddenly attained the holy title of "sacred".
For five decades, the nation has been mismanaged and now showing signs of a failed state when the people are utterly disgusted and don't trust the government anymore.
The story of secret manipulation has now been exposed and cannot be contained because we have an over indulgent and greedy leader whose allegedly corrupt appetite is beyond all words.
He is not that smart too compared to the Dr Who, who obviously has more brains in misleading the people that he is the most capable in protecting his race. But behind the scene, he is enriching his own family and cronies.
Umno has never faced such a predicament before where all its ministers had to support and justify its existence despite obvious guilt of its prime leader.
Worldly Wise: Azalina is a member of a cabinet of ministers led by someone who has failed to account. Can anyone believe it? We have a cabinet full of accomplices.
Jaycee: So, we should all follow your boss, who seems to be the most honest person in the world.
Allegedly taking money from the rakyat and then call it "donation;" and then using the money to buy votes in the last election.
But, the irony of the vote-buying is that the party did not even get majority of the popular votes.
Anonymous_1421806811: Cheras Umno chief Syed Ali Alhabshee obviously isn't as wise as he thinks he is. In fact, his stupidity is becoming clearer.
Every political party has its own problems. However, Umno has the whole government-controlled media behind it and yet it cannot dispel the rakyat's negative perception against it.
Many ministers had been given the task of fighting back the negativity towards Umno yet none of them succeed.
It’s about time Syed Ali wakes up from his slumber and takes the rakyat side in finding out the truth. Otherwise, he will be deemed as useless as all other Umno apologists.
Ipohcrite: Differences in a political party are something "normal", so said Syed Ali.
But is it normal to have RM2.6 billion in the prime minister's personal account from an unknown source, have the DPM sacked due to his query on the RM2.6 billion, the attorney-general removed from office, the Public Accounts Committee's probe scuttled by "promoting" Umno PAC members out from the PAC, just to name a few instances?
Have you been taking some banned substances lately, my dear Syed Ali?
Commentable: By comparison, what can the media reveal on the opposition parties? So don't blame anyone else, Syed Ali.
It is none other than your president who is putting Umno under the microscope. You are not doing Umno any favour by protecting him.
GE14Now!: Syed Ali, you are absolutely right in that you smell a rat. It is not quite a dead rat as yet but it is in the process of decomposition even while it is alive.
The factor causing that putrefaction is this thing called grand corruption. You ask why we are so fixated on Umno - well, let me tell you why.
We want to get rid of this curse that is upon this nation. This curse has sucked the very lifeblood and vitality of the people. This curse, which goes by the name of Umno, has reduced our international standing to below that of a pariah.
That you can still support and tolerate corruption of this scale speaks of pure, unadulterated greed residing in Umno.
We want rid of you, full and total. And we will keep our focus on you till you are gone. -Mkini

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