Saturday, February 27, 2016

Scrap dealer killed in close-range shooting

Victim contacts worker for help but dies while being treated in hospital.
TAIPING: A scrap dealer has died after being shot at close range last night. He was wounded in the head, abdomen and right arm.
Police said the man, P. Mogan, 40, suffered injuries in the head, abdomen and right arm. He managed to contact one of his workers for help at about 8.45pm.
The worker and the victim’s younger brother found the victim lying unconscious by the road side in Jalan Perusahaan 3, near the Giant supermarket in Aulong-Tmn Tekah Permai.
He was taken to Taiping hospital but was pronounced dead while being treated, police said.
Taiping OCPD Harrith Kam Abdullah urged eyewitnesses of the shooting to provide information.

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