Friday, February 26, 2016

Student gets “Checked by Education Minister” stamp in book

Education Minister Mahdzir Khalid reminded of teaching days after going through a Form Four student’s exercise book
PETALING JAYA: It is not every day an education minister visits a school, and it is most likely a once-in-a-lifetime moment when he decides to mark an exercise book!
But this was exactly what happened to one lucky student, Form Four student Nurul Sabryna Aniesha, when Mahdzir decided to drop by SMK Taman Medan here.
Mahdzir later posted pictures of the page, where he had also written, in Malay:
“Checked by the Education Minister” and also “Good”.
The Padang Terap MP also said checking Nurul’s exercise book – for the religious studies subject – reminded him of his teaching days in Sabah.
His FB post has been making the rounds in cyberspace with netizens praising Mahdzir’s efforts and declaring that Nurul was a lucky student.
“This was probably the first time an Education Minister spent time checking a student’s exercise book. She is a lucky girl,” a Facebook user by the name of A’ahmad Jamili commented.
Other Facebook users called for Mahdzir to visit their schools as well.

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