Friday, April 1, 2016

Democracy doesn't stop after reps get elected, top debater tells Bung

Kinabatangan MP Bung Moktar Raden gets a lesson in democracy from Asia's top debater Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman who said democratic process does not stop after voters elect their representatives.
In fact, it is a continuous process to ensure the elected representatives do not deviate from their promises.
Syed Saddiq said this in his Facebook posting after Bung challenged him to contest in an election in order to debate with the controversial Umno man from Sabah.
He added that all Malaysians have the right to question the government of the day.
“The right is enshrined in the Federal Constitution with freedom of speech (Article 10) that helps to define us as a nation which is free. It is our patriotic duty to voice out against any element of corruption in our beloved nation.
“I also believe if we apply Bung Moktar's principle, more than a million people would have to stand for election in Pekan (Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's seat) alone,” Syed Saddiq said.
Bung had challenged Syed Saddiq to contest in the election if he wants to debate, and they can do so in Parliament if he wins.
The lawmaker added that he is not interested in debating with Syed Saddiq.
According to Bung, being a good debater does not mean one is good at everything.
“If he’s really interested, find a place to contest in the election and I will debate him in Dewan Rakyat,” Bung told The Star Online on Friday.
The MP was reported to be puzzled as to why Syed Saddiq wanted to debate with him on 1MDB, saying the debater "is someone who thinks he is smart".
“He’s just stirring up the youth into hating the government. As ‘Asia’s top debater’ icon, he should be well behaved, charismatic, and be of good character. He’s a good leader, but the way he carries himself is no different from youths and teens with no direction in life,” said Bung.
He also decried Syed Saddiq’s choice of debate topics, saying "if you want to know about the RM2.6 billion political donation, The Wall Street Journal already agreed and confirmed the money is from Saudi Arabia".
“Then regarding 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), I think Arul Kanda Kandasamy is ready for Syed Saddiq anytime he wants,” Bung added.
Defeats purpose of democracy
Syed Saddiq said as a normal human being, he expects anyone to correct him if he was wrong.
“If I had done a criminal offence, report me to the authorities. But do not deny my right to speak up, as I merely want to find the truth,” he added.
“I am aggrieved by Bung's challenge to contest in an election against him. If anyone who dares to question a politician must run for election, it defeats the purpose of democracy,” he said, adding that the lawmaker must realise that as a politician, he is there to serve the people and not a ruler who is free from criticism.
Syed Saddiq reminded Bung that it is the people who voted him and they can take away his power.
“Hence, my advice is do not be too arrogant as the election is far away. In the mean time, I would like to invite YB to have a debate or dialogue session with me. It will be about 1MDB or SRC (International Sdn Bhd) or RM2.6 billion (many more, who knows...).
“This can be done in the open or private, that's your choice, At least you will know what many of the rakyat are feeling now,” he said, ending his posting by saying that he hoped Bung has fully recovered from his surgery. -Mkini

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