Monday, March 28, 2016

Extraordinary flow of funds to Najib's accounts: Aussie documentary

Image result for The Australian documentary 'Four Corners'

The Australian documentary 'Four Corners' has laid out what is purported to be details of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's personal bank accounts.The programme said that its crew had been shown the bank documents by an unnamed 'high-level source'.
“The banking documents reveal an extraordinary and steady flow of money between 2011 and 2014,” said the programme narrator.
Among others, US$75 million (RM301 million in today's exchange rates) purportedly came from a Saudi prince, while another US$80 million (RM321 million) came from the Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Finance.
A further US$120 million (RM482 million) supposedly came from an unnamed British Virgin Islands shell company. All three transactions supposedly took place on June 26, 2012.
Najib has consistently denied any wrongdoing, while attorney-general Mohd Apandi Ali had exonerated him following an investigation by the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).
[More to follow]

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