Thursday, March 10, 2016


FILE PIX DATED ; Johor Bahru 31 December 2011, Raja Petra Kamarudin. Gambar: Zulkarnain Ahmad Tajuddin
Remember, I did not declare war on Anwar. He declared war on me. I am just responding to a declaration of war. And, is this not my right?
A. Jalil Hamid, The New Straits Times
THORN IN EVERYONE’S SIDE: Controversial blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin is no stranger to controversy.
Known as RPK, he is now in exile in the United Kingdom.
Lately, he has come under opposition attack for doing a U-turn by apparently supporting the man he once opposed — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
In an email interview with NST, he gave a candid response to that and other issues that put him under close scrutiny — from both sides of the political fence.
He recently claimed that he was followed by MACC men when he was in Bangkok.
Following are excerpts of the interview.

Q: At one time, between 2004 and 2008, you used to be called the most influential blogger in Malaysia. Now, since 2010, they call you the most hated blogger, turncoat, traitor, and so on. What do you have to say about that?
A:I studied Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion (at Oxford University) and in both these courses, you cannot avoid studying Plato and his student, Aristotle, who, in turn, taught Alexander the Great subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Zoology, Botany, Psychology, Political Theory, Ethics, History, Literary Theory, and so on.
Of course, I studied these courses when I was already above 60 years of age, so it was not for career progression purposes I took these courses, but to help me better understand life and how we should look at life. It also helped me to question established doctrine, which we never questioned before mainly because we were taught not to question certain things.
It was around that time, 2010 to 2011, that I began to question many things involving politics and religion. I no longer accepted what could be described as mainstream beliefs. Some consider me a murtad (an apostate) from Islam and others regard me as a murtad from the opposition, or Reformasi cause. I suppose even people like Galileo Galilei, Martin Luther, Henry VIII, and so on, were condemned for what was considered their unorthodox views. So what more for an insignificant person like me?
I mean, even Alexander was considered unorthodox, and today we call him Alexander the Great. So, I suppose, if you want to achieve greatness, then you must be unorthodox and not remain mainstream. And this is what the opposition cannot accept about me, my unorthodoxness. And that was why they opposed the Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM) when it was launched in late 2010. They did not know what to expect and it is a natural human instinct to fear the unknown.
So, they opposed the MCLM and condemned me for what they viewed as an attempt at creating competition for the opposition. This is just like those people of olden days who insisted that the world was flat and feared venturing too far from shore in case they fell off the earth. Basically, it is all about ignorance. And, when people are steeped in ignorance, they also fear the truth. They find comfort in hiding behind lies and fallacies. They indulge in wishful thinking and become delusional.
So when I revealed the truth behind the real face of the opposition, and when I exposed (Datuk Seri) Anwar Ibrahim for the fraud that he is, the opposition cannot accept this truth. As what Aristotle taught, if you want to discover the truth, then you must first lay down all the facts and sieve through them to separate the wheat from the chaff. You apply logic, which you learn in philosophy, to analyse and evaluate information and subject it to an acid test. Twisted logic and fallacies can never survive that test and will disintegrate as you pursue the truth. And, when you apply these high standards to analyse what the opposition says and does, they fail the test miserably.
And, this is what upset the opposition. They are supposed to be the upholders of the truth, and yet I can prove that they lie at every twist and turn. I strip them naked and I expose these lies. The opposition claims to be saints. The opposition claims to be godsent. The opposition claims to be fighting for a noble and virtuous cause. Hence, the opposition has to be subjected to a higher moral standard, since it is claiming the moral high ground. And, since the opposition claims to be far better and far superior than the government, then it has to pass that higher acid test.
Unfortunately, they do not, and when I prove they do not, they get very angry with me because I have just proven that the opposition are mere frauds and snake oil merchants. And, the truth hurts, so they hate me for getting hurt. And when they cannot counter what I say because what I say is true, they resort to slander and character assassination, the only thing they know how to do best.
Q:The main “complaint” against you is that you have done a U-turn and that you now support the man you used to oppose, meaning (Datuk Seri) Najib (Razak). What do you have to say about that?
A: Actually, John Berthelsen of Asia Sentinel asked me that same question. After I sent him an email pointing out the errors in his latest article (“Malaysia’s Najib-Mahathir ‘Guerrilla War’ Heats Up”) he sent me a reply saying, “Noted. So what made you change course and embrace one of the most corrupt politicians in Asia, if not the world?” I replied to Berthelsen saying that it was Anwar Ibrahim who first declared war on me in 2010.
I have, in fact, written about this many times. But it appears even clever people like Berthelsen cannot understand the issue unless I repeat it 10 or 20 times. They still ask me questions to something that I had already replied to so many times.
Anyway, what is wrong with opposing Anwar? Is that as sinful as leaving Islam and declaring that you no longer believe that Prophet Muhammad is not the Prophet of God? Even if I do leave Islam and declare that I no longer believe in Prophet Muhammad, is that not my right? Is that not called freedom of choice and civil liberties, which the opposition and people like John Berthelsen of Asia Sentinel are fighting for?
The trouble with white people like Berthelsen and those non-governmental organisation types from the opposition is that they think only they are right. If we do not agree with what they believe, we are wrong.
In case you may have forgotten, one of the key issues in my disagreement with Anwar was his “agree to disagree” policy, and his refusal to resolve many disagreements in the opposition, hudud being one of them. I said if he did not address this issue, then one day soon, Pakatan would disintegrate. And, for that, he attacked me. And, now, have I not been proven right? Has Pakatan not disintegrated? So, why can’t I oppose Anwar when he is the cause of the disaster and when I had already warned him and he declared war on me because I had brought his matter up?
Remember, I did not declare war on Anwar. He declared war on me. I am just responding to a declaration of war. And, is this not my right?
It is just like Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad declaring war on Najib. Is it not Najib’s right to destroy Dr Mahathir and any others who are in the enemy camp? So, tell me, what is the issue here?
Is the issue: others can whack you but you must just take it and not hit back? What is wrong with these opposition people? Mat Sabu (Mohamad Sabu) calls Malays stupid for not supporting his party, Amanah, which could not even get 500 people to attend a rally in front of Sungai Buloh Prison. He was so angry he went berserk and could not control himself. He even threw the microphone down.
Pas’ (Datuk) Mahfuz Omar has meetings with Dr Mahathir and Tun Daim Zainuddin to see how he could help bring Najib down. And, the pictures go viral on the Internet. Should Mahfuz not be more concerned about DAP trying to destroy his party, Pas, and his party president, (Datuk Seri ) Abdul Hadi Awang?
Then Pas deputy president (Datuk) Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man says they can never work with Umno because Umno will not support hudud. But, they have no problems working with DAP that also opposes hudud and that supported the creation of Amanah, which is supposed to replace Pas in the opposition coalition.
I can go on and on, and list the many issues and take up 10 pages of your newspaper, if you want me to.
But the point is: is this the opposition you are telling me I should support? The opposition has become a circus and only circus clowns would work for a circus. And, I am not a circus clown. I would like to believe I have better brains than that.

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