Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Here is some trivia. People have said that during Ops Lalang in 1987 Najib Razak’s name was on the list of people to be picked up (he was Ketua Pemuda and had made that speech in Kg Baru.) But as we know Najib was not picked up.
The original list was drawn up by the Police but there may have been a filtering process. Some people even wanted some extra names added to the list. At that time Brader Anwar Bin Ibrahim was rising to the sky and his “angkatan belia” braders were infiltrating all the branches of the gomen. Among their “enemies” were people who were just beginning to spread the message of the Quran in Malaysia. The braders wanted a couple of those people included in the list. But Allah works in mysterious ways.
In Turkey, Erdogan and his family are embroiled in corrupt practises. His son is dealing with the ISIS, buying stolen oil from ISIS at way below market prices and selling it for maximum profit. In 2013 the Turkish Police had leaked information that Erdogan was secretly selling weapons to rebels in Syria – also for his gain. The criticism against Erdogan has been increasing since then. Erdogan has reacted by arresting critics, seizing newspaper offices and throwing journalists in jail. Sounds familiar.
The question is can the same thing happen in Malaysia? Maybe there are some people here, other than Najib, who would like to follow Erdogan’s example. Najib is embroiled in the money scandals. They will never go away until Najib goes away, from here to somewhere else. Will locking up critics, shutting down websites, shutting down freedom of speech etc be seen as a solution to Najib’s problems? I really don’t think so.
The ISA has been abolished. The NSC Bill has not been passed. Only the SOSMA remains but the SOSMA cannot be used to arrest critics of the Prime Minister. The SOSMA is only to be used against violent terrorists and extremists who resort to violence. Well, at least that is what that Khairudin guy thought as well. The Khairudin guy was arrested for 28 days under SOSMA after making Police reports against the Prime Minister. They locked him up for 28 days (the maximum allowed under SOSMA) before the Court threw out the case.
Dr Mahathir has now launched the Citizens’ Declaration asking that the PM be changed. The Declaration deliberately states “through legal means”. Pending a general election, the only other legal means to throw out the Prime Minister is through some criminal conviction or his voluntary resignation. The prime minister seems to be shamelessly immune to embarrassment. Nothing can embarrass this guy.
Under SOSMA they would need to prove that the Citizens Declaration is a form of economic sabotage or that it threatens the security of the nation etc. Which is rubbish.
We have removed prime ministers before. Abdullah Badawi was pressured to resign. Tunku Abdul Rahman was pressured to resign.
Australia has changed so many prime ministers. None of their resignations caused any economic upheavals or were a threat to national security. So the idea that the Citizens Declaration is a threat to national security or to the economy is just bullshit.
But as Khairuddin found out, “economic sabotage or threat to the security of the nation” may not be the objective. The idea maybe just to harass people, to lock them up for 28 days (as Khairuddin found out) under SOSMA. To harass them.
So maybe Tun Dr Mahathir and the people who so publicly signed that Citizens’ Declaration will be considered candidates to be arrested under the SOSMA under the excuse of “economic sabotage or threat to the security of the nation”. An assinine idea but there are many asses in this country right now.
But who in power would want to consider doing such things? I don’t think Najib will resort to such actions. It will become a bigger embarrassment for Najib if such things happen in Malaysia. If Dr Mahathir is arrested there will be a huge outcry not just in Malaysia but also throughout the world. The Islamic countries still have only praise for Tun Dr Mahathir. And who is chicken sh*t Najib compared to Dr Mahathir? Meaning it will cause an international embarrassment for Najib.
But are there people within Najib;s own corridors of power who would want to see Najib suffer embarrassment? I am sure there must be.
Are there people within Najib's own corridors of power who would want to see Najib gone? I am sure there must be.
They wouldn’t mind at all if Najib’s critics are arrested.
Najib will bear the blame.
Najib will suffer the embarrassment.
If only Julius Caesar had been wearing a rear view mirror, he could have seen it coming.
Or maybe they are just dumb. The Dumbing Down of Malaysia. -

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