Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Malaysiakini "shocked"

Bangsar, 020316 
Actually, I am shocked that my friends at Malaysiakini find my comments about WSJ's latest attack on the PM shocking but, well, at least they are still reading and promoting blogs, including mine. So not enough reason for me to find fault with these guys. 
As for the Wall Street Journal's reporting these days, let me just say they don't make them like they used to. Rupert Murdoch lusted over WSJ for years because it was a great newspaper, But like many things Murdoch acquires to quench thirst for conquest, the WSJ hasn't been the same. Or maybe it's just the fact that newspapers are dying, one way or another, and WSJ desperately needs to stay alive. 

Malaysiakini, in defence of WSJ

p.s. Err, guys, it's Ahirudin Attan la. Single D, Double T. -rocky's bru

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