Thursday, March 31, 2016

Mampus !! Aabar CEO Mohd Al Husseiny Arrested In Abu Dhabi, To Be Extradited To US


This is from here

First 1MDB Arrest - Former Senior Fund Manager Faces US Extradition Request In Abu Dhabi EXCLUSIVE!
30 March 2016 

Al Husseiny – side kick to former IPIC CEO, Khadem al Qubaisi

first 1MDB related arrest has taken place at the request of US 

shock waves and shivers through Malaysian political establishment 

US confirmed Al Husseiny placed in detention in Abu Dhabi

now processing extradition request by US DOJ concerning 1MDB.

first outward move in investigation ongoing in US for several months

disappearance of billions of dollars from 1MDB 

Whilst CEO of Aabar Husseiny key player in highly controversial 1MDB deals

fronted a massive bail-out of 1MDB’s debts, in a surprise move last June.  

numerous questions concerning Aabar

Al Husseiny right hand man of nightclub supremo, Khadem al Qubaisi, CEO of IPIC.

Al Qubaisi thrown out of all official posts in April last year 
period under house arrest 
fled to South of France, where he has considerable property.

Al Qubaisi removed from number of private business positions over past fortnight 
IPIC removed key subsidiaries of Aabar (linked to Khadem) from its websites

news caused major loss of confidence in related businesses in US

Las Vegas-based Hakkasan nightclub empire owned by Al Qubaisi 
fronted by CEO, the Head of Mergers & Aquistions, Neil Moffit
signs of panic 

Rumours that three top executives, including Moffit about to jump ship 

concerns in Hollywood, where Husseiny major investor in Red Granite
owned by Najib’s step-son, Riza Aziz.

Aziz wiped all evidence of Jho Low from Instagram and other accounts

conflict of interest, business partner of 1MDB investing hundreds of millions in films commissioned by the shareholder’s own son.

How the former Abu Dhabi fund manager – a public servant – acquired such huge sums was another question that has gone unanswered.

Al Husseiny will answer these issues in the US - as now formally requested. 

position of Rosmah’s son Riza Aziz subject to much speculation 
ostentatious living and property acquisitions
start to look precarious
widely known . . Riza told colleagues funding from Jho Low (rather than Husseiny).

Their blockbuster Wolf of Wall Street even carried a credit thanking Jho Low.
Jho Low connection

Riza under spotlight, just as Red Granite prepares to launch next blockbuster

The General, a bio-pic of George Washington, starring (of course) di Caprio
close party pal in Jho Low’s circle

Al Husseiny’s dealings with the fugitive billionaire, his former boss Khadem Al Qubaisi, and their mutual business contact Jho Low are therefore likely to be top of the agenda during any questioning by law enforcers.

Aabar, once US$70 million equity base, lost bulk of its money 

struggling to raise lending in recent weeks to cover commitments to 1MDB 

authorities in Abu Dhabi wondering why?

US interested in extensive private investments in property by these players
record price breaking penthouses in New York and Beverley Hills
multi-million dollar investments in Hakkasan night club chain managed by Moffit

My comments :  Thats all folks.

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