Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Money To Four Corners Of The Earth

Image result for Money To Four Corners by Najib -Australia

Here is the link to that Australian documentary. 

More questions than answers.

They should not have arrested Khairuddin. 

Wrong in law and a bad mistake.

Khairuddin is a very brave man.

They also should not have arrested the Four Corners TV Crew.

Desperate people make desperate mistakes.

Related or not :
  • Altantuya should not have been killed.
  • Kevin Morais did not deserve to be killed.
  • Hussain Najadi did not deserve to be killed.
  • PI Bala should not have died so young of a heart attack.
Malu depan satu dunia.  Tapi orang UMNO tak tahu malu.  Can always go to warong or coffee house and cakap kosong. Just ignore lah.

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