Friday, April 1, 2016

Police to probe Ali Tinju, red shirts movement over memo to DAP

The police will be investigating Ali Tinju and his Pertubuhan Pembela Nasib Melayu Malaysia (Red Shirts Movement) as well as Jaringan Melayu Malaysia (JMM) following their visit to DAP's office yesterday to hand over a memorandum.
Ali Tinju, whose real name is Mohd Ali Baharom, had led a retinue of people to the DAP headquarters in Kuala Lumpur to hand over a memorandum on DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng's controversial RM2.8 million bungalow purchase.
In a statement today, the police said they have found that there were elements of that incident which went against the law.
"During the handing over (of the memorandum), one of the participants had made a speech which contained elements of sedition and criminal threats," the statement read.
Such actions are considered a crime under Section 4(1) of the Sedition Act 1948 and Section 506 of the Penal Code and as such, the police will be investigating this matter under those provisions.
Around 20 Red Shirts Movement and JMM members visited DAP's office, including Mohd Ali, Pertubuhan Minda dan Sosial Prihatin (PMSP) chief Ramesh Rao and Red Shirts Movement vice-president Major (R) Razali Zakaria.
The attempt by the Red Shirts Movement to hand over the memorandum to DAP yesterday was fuelled by drama as Mohd Ali insisted on handing it to a Chinese only.
This was after Mohd Ali was greeted by Selangor DAP committee member Edry Faisal Eddy Yusof, who wanted to accept the memorandum on behalf of DAP.
"We want a Chinese to come out and receive the memorandum. We don't want a Malay. This has nothing to do with Malays," insisted Mohd Ali.
DAP headquarters chief administrator Chu Yoon Ming was forced to address the group after they were adamant to meet a Chinese and refused to deal with Edry.
Chu then passed a counter-memorandum prepared by Edry to urge the group to support the Save Malaysia campaign to Mohd Ali.
However, Mohd Ali had refused to accept the memorandum, throwing in to the floor and then stomping on it.
"We don't want (a memorandum from DAP)," he exclaimed.
"The teachings of DAP Chinese are dangerous, like communists in the city, they must be taught to respect Malays in the country," he said. -Mkini

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