Tuesday, March 29, 2016

'Queen-control' Tajuddin another clown in Najib's circus

YOURSAY | ‘This shows how poorly Tajuddin, and his party, thinks of women, wives in particular.'
Malaccan: In one sentence, this BN politician deftly shows his immaturity and the shallowness of his politics.
It's doubtful if Deputy Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Minister Tajuddin Abdul Rahman will even realise, much less bother about repenting of his boorish and crass manners.
He is immune to logic, good sense and intelligence. It is unlikely he cares about what civil society thinks as he is convinced of his right, and his party's mandate to speak unapologetically without regard to truth, accuracy or honour.
What Tajuddin presses to be a weakness in the CM, translates to the strength and wisdom in Lim instead. It does point towards how poorly Tajuddin, and his party, thinks of women, wives in particular.
Not that they ever have done other than think women are chattel and sex objects. Tajuddin shows the glee and crass humour to think he is making a point, mistaking the people's cringes at his past-due mindset for admiration and adulation.
Like Umno Kinabatangan MP Bung Moktar Radin, his value to BN is his ability to shock and mock others. They have no other value to the nation or to themselves.
Limfly: Only a stupid husband would buy a house without his wife's agreement, or refuse to buy a good house that is reasonably priced if his wife likes it very much.
When a husband does what Lim has done, it is not about "queen control"; it is about how much a husband loves and respects his wife.
Lim, good on you. Tajuddin should learn from him.
Behsaikong: Indeed, what's wrong for a wife to have an opinion and a role in the decision-making process when a man is buying the family house?
Anonymous Hotplate: What a hollow-minded cheap-rated Tajuddin is.
If Prime Minister Najib Razak can fly in a government jet overseas with his wife, then there's nothing wrong if Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng buys a bungalow with his wife’s consent.
Umno parliamentarians are real 'bodohs' to talk on this issue in Parliament, when thousands of rich Umno leaders are buying bungalows bigger than Lim's.
CucuMalaysia: The rakyat must compile a list of all these pea-brain Umno bootlickers. Queen control? Don't tell me you would buy a house even if your wife dislikes it?
Freethinker: Does it matter who likes the house more? I bought my house with my wife's consent. So what?
Unlike some leader's wife, who goes on shopping sprees with the people's money.
Prudent: Tajuddin, to be fair, does have a point. With that remark, Lim gave the perception that he is not in control of his own house.
He should just have notified his wife by phone that the press is coming. If the wife is his follower, she would have gone along without reservation, perhaps just some time for her to prepare.
Lim, if reported correctly, need not ask his wife's permission regardless of privacy concerns since as chief minister, he is a public figure and the issue is concerning his house.
If in his own house, Lim is under his wife's thumb and therefore not head of his household, how sure are the voters that she is not impinging on his policy decisions as CM?
Curdle: In my house there is equality between myself and my wife as there should be. Lim displays yet more admirable qualities, in terms of respect for his wife's viewpoint and opinion.
CT Tee: I rather be wife-controlled than cash-controlled. It's more honourable that way.
Hopeful123: There they go again. Trying their level best to outdo each other in stupidity. The competition is getting tougher with more joining in.
Judges are finding it difficult to decide the winner as it is always a very close tie. Try harder, Umno-BN.
Speaking Sense: Tajuddin comes from a male chauvinist, Talibanist, women-hating culture so he cannot understand that in normal households, allowing our wives to choose the house they really like is one of the ways we show our love, consideration and respect for them and their happiness.
This is why we choose to marry only one wife, because women do not really like to share their husbands with other women.
Every new day, another stupid minister surfaces - how does Najib manage to unearth so many clowns?
Commentable: Do you know why both Che Mohamad Zulkifly Jusoh's (BN-Setiu) rhyme and Tajuddin's reply failed to elicit any noticeable response from either side of the House?
It is because the two morons are so bankrupt of ideas that they are openly asking to be shot left, right and centre - and both sides of the political divide knew that of course.
If ever there is such a term as "queen controlled", there is only one man in Malaysia who can claim that title - and that is the RM2.6 billion man - a man who is barely alive without the aid of his queen.
So beware when one talks about a man's queen for there are stark differences in various instances.
Lim has a queen who knows her man will respect her opinion and privacy, whereas the RM2.6 billion guy has a queen who...

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