Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Surely IS has higher priorities than to kidnap Najib

YOURSAY | ‘Having seen their prowess, it seems impossible that IS can fail in its mission.’
Maplesyrup: If Islamic State (IS) really targeted Premier Najib Abdul Razak, imagine how much his ransom could come up to.
But having seen their prowess, it seems impossible to me that IS failed in its mission to kidnap the PM.
Tulan: By right, I should be worried with such a remark that there was an attempt to kidnap our premier. Somehow or rather, I am not. Why?
Pahatian: Our Malaysian intelligence and Special Branch must be better than FBI, the Israeli Mossad, KGB and the Scotland Yard put together.
This is indeed some piece of news and it will be flashed around the world. But then, why would IS target the premier and the other Malaysian leaders?
Perhaps the RM2.6 billion donation. Either that or the government is trying to justify the need for the implementation of the National Security Council (NSC) Bill. Enough of this nonsense.
RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, please learn from the roadside ubat sellers. They can tell very convincing stories.
It is pathetic of you that in your eagerness to curry favour with Najib, you have to resort to telling stories fit for kindergarten children.
Earlier, you had attempted to clear Najib on the RM2.6 billion donation scandal by claiming to have met donors in the Middle East. Now, it is about an IS attempt to kidnap Najib.
Of all leaders, IS chose Najib? For what reason? There are so many world leaders at the forefront in waging war against IS and never do we hear of any of them being kidnapped by IS.
It would be foolhardy of IS to come all the way from the Middle East to Malaysia to do the impossible. Too far-fetched a story.
Shamu99: Shall I laugh or cry. What is the purpose bringing this up now? And with Zahid's credibility, will people believe him?
P Dev Anand Pillai: If we need to lie, let the lie be believable at least.
Old Timer: Any premier who can get a RM2.6 billion donation is a good target to kidnap, whether by IS or another criminal gang. This is a good storyline for a movie though.
Guna Otak: Eat your heart out, Hollywood and Bollywood.
We in Malaysia have 1MDB, Scorpene, Altantuya, ISA, OSA, RM2.6 billion, body in drum encased with concrete, C4, multi-billion ringgit donations, sedition act, banning of Malaysia Chronicle and Malaysian Insider, sodomy cases 1 and 2, disappearing immigration records, videos of condemned person praising VIPs, missing planes, Sarawak Report and Wall Street Journal writing lies, etc.
And now this IS kidnapping case. Want to buy the copyright to this movie? We take only ringgit, not US dollars.
RKR: Zahid is perhaps trying to cook up another story for the RM2.6 billion donation.
So IS wanted to kidnap Najib and that's why the Saudis donated the money, which was to fight IS. Good story Zahid, but my toes are laughing.
Existential Turd: No one would pay the ransom. IS is either misinformed or this story is made up.
Milosevic: What if the so-called Daesh are actually Umno operatives who are engaging in a huge hoax to get ransom money from Malaysia, only for it to be channelled back as a big "donation" to the private account of the country's chief executive?
The Malaysian Parliament needs to decide now how much ransom money should be paid off in the instance of the three – Najib, Zahid and Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein - being kidnapped. I would say $50 for each.
Lone_Star: The home minister is highly believable. When one is in possession of RM2.6 billion meant to fight IS, it is little wonder why the trio are targeted.
It is obvious that IS does not believe that the donation has been returned.
Anonymous_1425871172: Why don't you just blame it on jailed leader Anwar Ibrahim and opposition party DAP? Just say that they instructed IS to do it.
This is definitely one of the most ridiculous statement of the century.
MA: April 1st - has it come this early?
The Analyser: Is this a feeble attempt at Islamic scare tactics to get Malaysians to rally around the government and save our beloved premier?
If this is a follow-up to #RespectMyPM, all it does is show how weak Umno has become. Or is this a pathetic attempt to drive the anti-Najib supporters into the arms of IS?
Whatever the reason, the exercise itself can only be classed as silly, unproductive and should never have been revealed to the public.
That's what the OSA is really for - defence secrets.
Vijay47: And to think I had always thought that IS were the bad guys. -Mkini

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