Tuesday, April 26, 2016

AG: Maintain 'sub judice' rule as judges can be influenced

Malaysia may have abolished its jury system, but the country’s top prosecutor Mohamed Apandi Ali is of the opinion that the sub judice rule must continue to be maintained.
“We can’t take for granted that judges can’t be influenced, there have been instances (where) judges have been influenced.
“Not only by writing, even the mere presence of people in a courtroom can instill fear in a judge,” he said.
Stressing how judges are only human, although they are expected to give decisions without fear or favour, many, sometimes are confronted with the supporters of the accused of a particular case.
“Some judges have told me, they feel the fear. The element of fear is there, judges are also human.
“To avoid that is better, to still maintain this sub judice (rule),” he said.
Apandi was responding to a question by the Sun daily’s investigative journalist R Nadeswaran who asked him why the sub-judice rule is still maintained. The attorney-general had earlier given a talk to media practitioners and academicians in Kuala Lumpur today.
[More to follow]

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