Saturday, April 2, 2016

Najib is rattling the cage to scare all Malaysians

YOURSAY | ‘There is a state of fear as alluded to by the ABC documentary.’
Vijay47: Malaysia must be the only country in the world where the entire police force is dedicated to the delicate personal interests and sensitivities of a politician.
So what if someone insults the prime minister, is such an action now tantamount to blasphemy or lese majeste?
The only time when statements against a public figure are criminal is when threats are made to the life or well-being of that person.
Otherwise, sorry, unsavoury opinions come with the turf. If such comments are not comfortable or palatable to Najib Abdul Razak, he should stay home and just attend to his wife.
Shovelnose: It's 1984 in Malaysia. Many would need to confess to their supposed crimes, then tortured and twisted to become believers.
Struggle as you may, in the end Winston Smith still felt a bullet rushing through his head at Chestnut Tree Cafe, tears running down his face as he imagines himself in the Ministry of Love, expressing his love for Big Brother.
LifeFlier: Hello, my fellow Malaysians, in the battle between David and Goliath, a firestorm should be put into astute use, and should not be elongated beyond its effective phase.
With such scant resources, David should make one aware that once the perception of people has been solidified, adding more fuel to the fire is merely a waste of effort.
Many of us should realise that by now the seeds have been well sown and covertly razing ember has started to spread like wildfire beneath the peatland.
Above it, it is best to keep the scene in serenity so that it cannot be more pleasant for Najib to begin to believe that his heavy-handed approaches are starting to bear fruit, and this convinces me that I still love you, Mr PM.
Malaysians are so fortunate to have Najib as our PM. I wish Najib long life. We will continue to support Najib in the 14th general election (GE14).
Please bring forward GE14. Tomorrow, ya, before we change our minds.
RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: Madness. How did the country degenerate to this low that negative comments on a PM is an offence?
The position of a PM comes with lots of perks and a price. One of them is that he can be ridiculed, criticised and made the butt of jokes.
He can learn from his golfing buddy, US President Barack Obama, who has been caricatured in all shapes and colours.
As long as there is no threat of bodily harm to Najib, there are no grounds to charge the engineer.
Maplesyrup: Yes,it’s not fair. The Wall Street Journal and Australian Broadcasting Corporation reporters said worse things about our PM, why did the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) and inspector-general of police (IGP) not act against them?
Surely to protect the honour and dignity of the PM and our country, these scoundrels should not be left scot-free. We support MCMC and IGP to go after them. No delay, please.
$$$: The job of the PM’s Facebook page administrator is to delete comments, which is getting too many by the day. The solution is to charge one unlucky chap so the rest won't dare to give negative comments.
Eternal Optimist: Insulting and offensive, by whose standards? The standards of a proboscis monkey?
Anonymous_1430366487: If this does not prove that Malaysia is a terror state, then I don't know what else Malaysians need as proof?
How the US of Obama accepts this gross injustice and completely undemocratic trait of his golf buddy is another instance of the hypocritical policies of the US.
Why go threaten nations like North Korea when the US supports the Malaysian government?
Anonymous 2299391436500295: Anonymous_1430366487, it’s because Malaysia does not threaten the US with nuclear annihilation as per its propaganda videos showing Washington in flames.
And because at the time of the golf game, Obama was not aware of just how sinister your PM is. And because Malaysia and its people have always been hostile and insulting to the US and its people.
Finally, because Malaysia is not very important.
HaveAGreatDay: This is a state of fear as alluded to by the ABC’s Four Corners documentary. He’s intimidating the rakyat.
He may be the PM but he is not God - so why can't he be criticised?
Wira: Where can I find the contents of that ‘insult’? I would like to find out what kind of insults are unacceptable.
Santana: I want to sign up to be a policeman so I can check all the Facebook accounts of all Malaysians. -Mkini

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