Friday, April 1, 2016

PM’s press sec to be subpoenaed so he can defend ‘Bugis warrior’

Prime Minister’s press secretary Tengku Sariffudin Tengku Ahmad will be among those subpoenaed in the misfeasance lawsuit against Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak by former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Co-plaintiff Khairuddin Abu Hassan said this, after Tengku Sariffudin’s statement yesterday defending Najib over the multi-billion donation received by the prime minister.
“God willing, I will subpoena Tengku Sariffudin so he can show detailed evidence to defend his boss, the Bugis warrior, in court.
“Tengku Sariffudin is my old friend since UiTM Shah Alam days, and I wish him good luck,” Khairuddin said in a statement.
Mahathir, Khairuddin and Ainina Saadudin had jointly filed a suit of misfeasance and failure to fulfil fiduciary duties against Najib.
Yesterday, Tengku Sariffudin attacked The Wall Street Journal for its report which states that Najib received at least US$1 billion from various sources, and spent at least US$15 million on shopping, holidays and jewellery.
Tengku Sariffun said the US financial newspaper continues with its biased reporting, despite a letter purportedly proving that Najib told the truth, because it is embarrassed to have been proven wrong.
Najib earlier said he received a hefty no-strings-attached donation from a Saudi Arabia royal family member, and denied using public funds for private use.
The letter dated Nov 1, 2011 from the private office of Saud Abdulaziz Majid al Saud, was published by Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) on Tuesday.
Tengku Sariffudin’s stance on the matter echoes that of various public officials, including Communications and Multimedia Minister Salleh Said Keruak.
Deputy Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Minister Tajuddin Abdul Rahman, however, said the letter on the US$375 million gift seemed too good to be true.
"We don't know whether it's true or not.
"This can be a wild accusation by those who are not happy with Najib," Tajuddin told reporters outside the Parliament lobby yesterday.
Said Khairuddin today: “It is baffling that Najib is now mute on this issue…
“Najib must be brave enough to explain clearly to the people. He should not just let his weak-minded apple polishers speak on this issue which has blown up at home and abroad,” he said in a statement. -Mkini

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