Friday, May 27, 2016

BNM Confirmed To PAC Jho Low Owned Goodstar : Too Late For Najib To Leave The Country

This is taken from Free Malaysia Today which in turn quotes The Wall Street Journal. 

WSJ: BNM letter says Jho Low owns Good Star
WSJ uploaded letter from BNM to PAC on who actually owns 1MDB-linked firm.

letter from BNM confirmed Jho Low is owner of Good Star Limited (GSL).
dated April 6, to PAC Chairman Hasan Ariffin posted on Wall Street Journal.
Investigations into 1MDB shown GSL received USD1.03 b (RM4.2 b) from 1MDB

GSL controversy after PAC chairman accused of deleting two sentences  

sentences state beneficiary of GSL an individual unrelated to Petrosaudi
Najib said in parliament that GSL was owned by Petrosaudi International Ltd

payments made so that 1MDB obtain 40% in a joint venture,” Najib said 

Najib added Petrosaudi had acknowledged receiving payments.
foreign authorities informed BNM that “beneficial owner” of GSL was Jho Low.

"GSL is beneficially owned by Low Taek Jho,” the letter reads.

foreign authority revealed GSL open account at RBS Coutts on 9/6/2009.
ole director and single bearer share in GSL : Smart Power Ltd
sole director and single bearer share in Smart Power Jho Low
according to BNM

Jho Low only beneficial owner of account at RBS Coutts

The letter is at:

My comments :  It is too late for Najib to leave the country. Which country will he go to?

Maybe Saudi Arabia - that country harbours all sorts of criminals as well.

The Singaporean prosecutors have begun their work.  

The Swiss prosecutors will be charging people in court soon.

This is beyond smoking gun already.

Someone should make a Police Report against the PAC Chairman Hassan whatever for tampering with evidence and / or altering an official report with intention to cover up evidence. 

By the way Jho Low's super yacht Equanimity (bought with money stolen from us) is sailing somewhere in the Coral Sea :

Note: Bank Negara Malaysia letter REMOVED by us since it is classified under OSA.
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