Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Claims that WSJ sullied Agong’s name way off mark

YOURSAY | ‘The PM has himself sullied the good name of 25 million Malaysians.’
Aries46: When The Wall Street Journal and Sarawak Report reported on the RM2.6 billion found in PM Najib Razak’s bank accounts and that billions were diverted and siphoned out through 1MDB, Tengku Sharifuddin Tengku Ahmad and his boss played their game of elegant silence.
However, based on the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) report, global investigations on 1MDB dealings and unfolding events at International Petroleum Investment Company/Aabar Investment PJS, it is now evident that WSJ and Sarawak Report have been right all along.
In fact, 1MDB has now admitted that it may have been a victim of massive fraud. On hindsight, it is now evident why neither Najib nor 1MDB had dared to sue the international media.
So Sharifuddin's outright condemnation of WSJ and Sarawak Report over the less than significant Bank Negara succession report is an overkill intended more as propaganda fodder for the Umno folks and to apple polish his boss than factually supported.
He abuses the Agong’s good name to cast the widest net possible to tarnish WSJ and Sarawak Report as dishonest, unreliable and discredited media merely for his ulterior motive. Indeed, desperate times calls for desperate measures.
Oxymoronictendencies: I have to say I don't recall WSJ mentioning the Agong in their report. I must have missed that bit.
It seems like the PM's aide is dragging the Agong in his attack on WSJ. It’s weird that they are trying to spin this story. I wonder why. Guess we should watch this space for more clues.
Not Convinced: WSJ did not mention Agong. It cited unnamed sources, including a cabinet minister, in its March 11 report that Najib’s ally Irwan Serigar Abdullah had been picked as the new Bank Negara governor.
On the other hand, Sarawak Report did say the Agong had earlier signed off the appointment of Serigar.
“Once the WSJ had pre-empted the scandalous appointment, it took all Najib’s energy to get the nomination changed by a rightly angry Agong – just so he could point-score that the WSJ had been ‘proved wrong’,” said Sarawak Report.
Clearly Sharifuddin was being devious in lumping WSJ together with Sarawak Report.
Slumdog: When Umno stooges run out of ideas and valid excuses, and are left with no more facts to rebut arguments, they will use race, religion and royalty as their last-ditch defence.
However, in this case do you think the WSJ gives a toss about disrespecting the royalty when this issue is not about royalty but all about the appointment of Treasury secretary-general Serigar as the new governor of Bank Negara.
Tailek: Yes, what has the reporting of WSJ or Sarawak Report got to do with sullying our Agong's name.
Please do not bring the royalty into your sordid affair to gain the sympathy of the rakyat, especially of the Malay community.
Vijay47: As always with anything associated with Najib and 1MDB, Shariffudin's statement discloses sheer desperation, the scraping of the bottom of a non-existent barrel to find some titbit to support the Divine One.
Let us for the moment accept that WSJ's report on the Bank Negara governor's appointment is incorrect. How about the rest of the 1MDB shenanigans, do they also get to be wrong?
It is like an eye-witness to a murder getting the colour of the murderer's shirt wrong. Is his entire evidence also then wrong?
Shariffudin, I do not see you jumping with equal passion in respect of the numerous other accusations. What does your silence suggest? Maybe that God struck you deservingly dumb.
Secondly, you seem so fervent in your outrage that the Agong was insulted by WSJ's lies. That must be from Chapter 2 of Najib's manual, "Defences to use when there is no defence".
I suppose you will not omit the Chapter 3 advice - always scream "Bangsa, Agama and never mind the Negara". And sue?
Anonymous 29051438068738: Najib and his fawning courtiers know full well that suing the WSJ in the land of the free will invariably require him to appear in person to answer questions which will expose his lies even before he can say "Article 117".
Suing, for him, is about as attractive an option as being forcibly hogtied and despatched into an automated slaughterhouse.
Mojo Jojo: If making 'wrong' guesses on who would be bank governor is 'insulting the king,' then any incorrect speculation on decisions requiring a monarch's consent is insulting the monarch as well.
So wrong speculations on who would be ministers would be insulting a monarch, wrong guesses on what the national budget would be is insulting the monarch, as is whether state legislatures and national parliaments would be dissolved or not.
Why don't you just ask all news outlets to close shop, while you ride your camel into town announcing what we are allowed to hear and know.

Ace: The PM has sullied the good name of 25 million Malaysians and also the good name of the country. So how, Mr Apple Polisher? -Mkini

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