Thursday, May 26, 2016

Kurup caught off guard over hudud move

Minister in the Prime Minister Joseph Kurup was caught off guard by the action of the government to bring forward a Private's Member Bill on hudud in Parliament.
"I was taken aback," he said when met at the Parliament lobby.
"We (MPs) should be given the chance to read the bill properly... that's why it was deferred," he said.
"If it is bulldozed, then it's a different issue," he added.
He was referring to the Private Member's Bill introduced by PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang today.
The bill, listed as the last item in the House's order paper, was brought forward by Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Azalina Othman Said. However, on Hadi's request, the debate on the bill was postponed to the nex session.
Kurup, who is in charge of national unity, said he has to read the bill before making a decision.
Meanwhile, MCA Wanita chief Heng Seai Kie claimed she was equally surprised when the bill was brought up.
"We had an MCA presidential council meeting and we are clear that we are against hudud. Our stand is still the same," she said.
On March 19, 2015, the Kelantan state legislative assembly had passed amendments to the Syariah Criminal Code II 1993 to allow the implementation of hudud in the state.
Hadi, the Marang MP, had introduced the bill in two successive sittings – on April 7 and June 17, 2015 – respectively. But his motion was not debated in the House in both sessions.
The bill seeks to amend a federal law, the Syariah Court (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965, to pave way for the implementation of hudud in Kelantan and other states.
At present, the Act limits the Syariah Court to imposing a maximum sentence of three years’ jail, a maximum fine of RM5,000 and six lashes of the cane. This is known commonly known as the 3:5:6 rule.

In the bill, Hadi seeks amendments to allow the Syariah Court to impose the hudud penalties stipulated under syariah law, except for the death sentence.
Hadi's bill would not only allow Kelantan to finally implement hudud, but would also open the gates to the other states to pursue a similar course.
Absolute power
Meanwhile, Gerakan president Mah Siew Keong said the amendments sought by the bill were in direct contravention of the federal constitution.
"We reiterate our reservation and objection to these amendments in its current form and we call upon the Attorney-General's Chambers and all relevant agencies to advise Hadi.
"We encourage PAS to act in consonance with the federal constitution as it is in the interest of all Malaysians," he said in a statement today.

Mah said the amendment sought to bestow on the Syariah Criminal Court absolute power to sentence any Muslims who have not only committed cries against the precepts of Islam but also any state laws that impose punitive measures in line with Islamic doctrine.
"Such unfettered sentencing powers bestowed on the Syariah Criminal Court are against the laws of natural justice as all laws must have limits," he said.
He added that it would also lead to the duplicity of laws as there would be two set of laws for the same offences in the country.- Mkini

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