Friday, May 27, 2016

Nazri, PM not exempted and must explain RM2.6b

Image result for najib and 1MDB saga

YOURSAY | ‘There is everything wrong about RM2.6b going into a PM's personal account.’
Quigonbond: Tourism Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz may be right that if PM Najib Razak receives a donation, he does not need to say anything about it. But the fact that the money is still suspected of coming from 1MDB means there is possibility of embezzlement.
If Najib is a CEO of the company, he would already be investigated. Indeed, the PM’s fiduciary duty should be even far more exemplary.
If the fact is it is a donation, it would not have taken months to string together various versions of a simple story. Which leads most to believe that he did embezzle those funds, and it does not matter if the attorney-general (AG) absolved him.
It simply makes our faith in the AG’s Chambers to professionally and courageously carry out the administration of criminal justice system to be even more tenuous.
There is another point that people seem to have missed. If he signed documents without understanding them, then again as CEO of a company, he would have been guilty of gross negligence. What more, when it involved the PM.
Justine Gow: As PM, he has the obligation to tell the whole country even if he receives just RM1 in his personal bank account.
Whether that RM1 is a political donation or not is immaterial. We want to know if that RM1 can lead to any conflict of interest in his duties as PM. Not to mention, RM2.6 billion!
Not Smart: Nazri, don't lose sight of the pertinent point that the money went into one’s personal bank account. Why then do we have the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act for?
If BN stands for Barisan Najib, then perhaps nobody has the right to question him.
Anonymous_1375151044: Now they are singing a different tune. It's "yes, billions were deposited into his account but he doesn't have to tell anyone. It's for the elections."
What a joke! The noose is tightening. That's why.
Anonymous 1890491455255851: This is yet another statement to add to the collection of irresponsible comments and thoughts by BN politicians.
There is everything wrong about RM2.6 billion going into a PM's personal account, in this country or any other country in the world.
Only in Malaysia can politicians get away with deplorable statements such as this - that this is no one's business.
This is so outrageous, it can only come from people who are party to such audacious and arrogant actions. You are a government servant, don’t forget that.
Anonymous_1408265047: This moronic drivel came from someone who is supposed to be trained in the law? It is the same as; "He committed murder and it was okay, so it should be okay for me to do the same."
If this is the best he can come up with, he is not qualified to hold his minister’s position. The Swiss and the Singapore governments now have all the evidence on the monies illegally moving through the BSI merchant bank’s system.
What is the Malaysian government doing to bring this evidence to light? The answer; absolutely nothing. The government knows that the evidence will be damning and will not act.
GE14Now: There you are - it's the whole party supporting a totally unethical practice. Just because it is not illegal does not make it ethical.
Remember that these laws are enacted by this lot of allegedly corrupt politicians. To then say that it is not illegal because there is no law against it, is therefore immoral and unethical, and it is the latter two that we should adhere to.
But if you say that it is not illegal then why make such a big hoo-ha about DAP receiving money from foreign sources?
Sabahan: On the contrary, Najib needs to tell everyone the details of the RM2.6 billion that has been deposited into his bank account.
Otherwise, he will be seen as a money launderer who is transferring money from one account to another, something that the Singapore government has come down very hard on in the BSI case, resulting in the bank being told to close shop and six of its top officials investigated for complicity in money laundering.
Nazri, being perpetually ignorant of banking laws, is clearly making a fool of himself.
Maplesyrup: According to Nazri, the PM owes nobody an answer.
It is sad that well-educated people like Nazri is unable to understand that as a man holding high office, he is accountable and need to uphold the highest standard of integrity and transparency.

Perhaps he owes nobody an answer if this is his grandfather's country.
YHJ: I don't know whether to laugh or cry when we the rakyat have to listen to such moronic utterances almost on a daily basis. Bring on G14 and kick out them out once and for all. -Mkini

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