Monday, June 27, 2016

British Leave EU, France (EU) Reject TTIP

France’s PM Manuel Valls dismissed possibility of agreement on US-EU transatlantic trade deal, since it goes against the interests of European Union.

“No free trade agreement should be concluded if it does not respect EU interests. Europe should be firm. France will be vigilant about this,” Valls said 

“I can tell you frankly, there cannot be a transatlantic treaty agreement. This agreement is not on track,” Valls added.

Valls pointed that the agreement “would be bad for our economy.”

TTIP – Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership – EU-US free trade treaty

controversial, criticized for secretiveness, lack of accountability

big corporations only ones to profit

corporate interest ahead of national interest

canceling quotas on milk stipulated in TTIP 

Dairy sector key driver of French economy.

negotiations still in progress with next round scheduled for July.

quite fierce opposition in Europe, especially France and Germany

My comments :  Trump is right and the German public is right.  A sudden overdose of strange immigrants (as opposed to slow and steady movement of people over time) into a society that is at equilibrium will only upset that equilibrium.  It can create pressures and disharmony in the target societies.  

A million or so Moros in Sabah are already causing havoc in the State.  

People want their identities and independence preserved. That is what the UKIP (UK Independence Party) is also saying. And 52% of Brits seem to agree. They dont want the United Kingdom being dictated to by a mish-mash of European lawmakers. Hence the Brits have voted to leave the European Union.

They say that it will cost the Brits more to export products to the EU now. Hence also the panic in the stock markets. I  say, 'No different than other non-EU countries like the US, Canada, Australia, Japan, China, Korea who also export products to the EU countries'.  

It will save the Brits 200 million Pounds a week (RM4.8 billion a month) which they have to pay the EU.

Basically the Brits DO NOT WANT their life to be dictated by people who are not British.

In the same way, the French and the Germans (and hence the EU) are against the TTIP (the Atlantic version of the TPPA). 

The French Prime Minister has clearly sniffed out the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership or TTIP as not being in the French interests.

Over here in Malaysia we have already signed the TPPA.  

In Malaysia,  Ministers says the PM does not know what he signs. So the PM can sign without knowing what he signs.

An UMNO lawyer from Perak has already said that the Prime Minister need not know what he signs.    So the PM does not even have to know what he signs.

This is how we have signed the TPPA. Without knowing or understanding what it means.

I think the French know better than our PM. 

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