Wednesday, June 29, 2016


In his latest video titled Najib Regime & PAS Puppets Of Israel And Zionism Shocking Revelation By Israeli Intel Chief, lawyer Matthias Chang warned Malaysians the Prime Minister Najib Razak might be planning to use terrorism as bait to pave the way for him to declare a state of emergence, launch mass arrests in a bid to cling to power.
Matthias, the former political secretary to ex-prime minister Mahathir Mohamad, pointed to the recent shock call by the top Muslim cleric in Najib's home state of Pahang to kill non-believers of Islam such as members of the Chinese-based Opposition party DAP.
"Since when has DA waged war against Islam."
"Does Najib & the leaders of Umno condone such an insidious, pernicious anti-Islam statement against a fellow citizen. It is horrendous."
"Many Umno & Malays who are not members of PAS do not support hudud as pronounced by Hadi. Hadi used to accuse all Umno members as 'kafir' but today Hadi wants to jump into bed with kafir Umno. if you are kafir, can you unkafir? They have labelled Umno as animal Islam...but today Hadi and Pas want to sleep with Umno and Umno daren't say anything."
"But Umno very cleverly has found stooges among Chinese leaders in MCA. On 26 May when Hadi presented the motion to introduce hudud in Parliament, there was hue and cry and Chinese leaders condemned hudud, condemned PAS and created all kinds of confusion amd fear among the simple righteous God-fearing Muslims to the extent there was a backlash."
"And now Malays are condemning Chinese for interfering in their religion, for not understand Islam and opposing Islam and call Chinese 'cina babi'.
"Are we surprised... so we have Chinese provoking the Muslims and there is a counterattack from the Muslims... two hands clapping... confusion created and wallah -Najib regime and PAS trying to divert the main issue.
Matthias lambasted 'stupid woman' Heng Seai Kie, the MCA women's chief, for playing into Najib's hand by saying that hudud was 'too sensitive' for Umno to oppose.
"We have a full confession, a full admission (from Heng). So they ask the 'cina kwai'. In Chinese, it's called borrow sword to kill a person on behalf of another person."
"Because Umno doesnt have the guts to do battle with PAS, so they get a stupid woman and MCA to do battle thereby creating a racial and religious confrontation, unneccessarily between the Muslims and non-Musims in the hope that chaos will arise and the people in Malaysia will be diverted from 1MDB, the lies, the cheating, the robbery, the finacial rape of the country by the Najib regime to a non-issue red-herring hudud."
"Do not fall prey to this propaganda, this false flag operation. Let me assure you it's a matter of time foreign intelligence services acting with scumbags in this country will create an incident of ISIS running wild, killing people in Malaysia to justify the imposition of emergency rule and worse still, mass arrests, tighter laws, street laws to entrench the police state, to entrench the tyrannical regime in the country."
Days of Najib are numbered
"Focus on the Najib & Rosmah dynasty... the key word dy-nasty. What a coincidence -  die and nasty. Let me assure you, the regime will die because it is nasty, it lies it cheats, it is corrupt, it is a financial rapist and armed robbers."
"The days of Najib are numbered, believe you me because the present regime is part of a global cabal of criminals and financial rapists. That's why Obama supports the Najib regime, thats why David Cameron supports the Najib regime.
Brexit will force Najib's hand, hasten his downfall
"That's why it's so import for activists, leaders in the forefront of fighting this regime to explain in simple terms around the country ...what will be the impact of BREXIT on Malaysia... the vote in England to get out of Europe.
"This is a major landmark geo-political development. In summary, it means the people of UK are sick and fed up of the corruption in England, of the control by banks, financial institutions which destroy the economy and enrich the fat cats.. There is no longer any indepence in UK, that's why they are rebelling and they are not rebelling based on any fairy tale but because they can see the personification of that corruption in Obama, who came to UK to threaten the people of UK if you don't remain in Europe there will be no special relationship with America. Likewise, David Cameron barked and barked and echoed the sentiment of America because they are part of the golobal elite network of central banks and financiers who control our economies
"And Najib is part of that cabal.

"When UK voted to get out of Europe, soon you will see other countries following their example. People want to put their country first - not scumbags, robbers, rapists and criminal politicians. This is the major impact ... obviously in time to come, there will be financial and economic consequences.
"Most import for you to grasp right now, there is a global resurgence against corrupt criminal leaders and tyrannical regimes.. Believe you me, Malaysian leaders by and large are robots. Being a former colony of England, we tend to look to them for leadership and quite often, our leaders adopt their policies without question ... not knowing the global situation is such that if we follow a fool like David Cameron and Obama, we destroy our country.
"So be confident, this regime which is a puppet of foreign powers, of geo-political powers, will not last long because they have no substance. They are empty, they have low intellect ...or have no intellect at all."
"We are living in very, very dangerous times, do not underestimate. When regimes are in their deathbed, they will do everything to maintain power and their first option on the table is always false flag operations using use terrorism as the bait to put fear in you to introduce legislation to give them enhanced power, extreme measures to protect themselves and oppress you."

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