Thursday, June 2, 2016

Hadi brandishes giant keris, cuts 'pulut' cake to open PAS meet

After the brandishing of the keris courted controversy, Umno decided to keep the traditional Malay dagger in its sheath during recent annual general assemblies.
However, the keris made a literally gigantic appearance at the PAS meet, with the party president wielding a replica, which is estimated to be at least two metres in length.
To officiate at the 62nd muktamar (general assembly) in Kota Baru, Abdul Hadi Awang used the mock dagger to cut a green and white pulut (glutinous rice) 'cake' resembling the party's flag.
Prior to that, the keris was paraded into the hall by a man dressed in black silat attire.
His march from the entrance to the stage was accompanied by the melody of the serunai and the bass of the gendang, often used during silat and cultural events.
The man was flanked by two others dressed like Malay palace bentara or functionary of yore, as others also in silat attire walked behind them carrying poles on their shoulders that supported the platform on which the cake rested under a green cloth.
Upon receiving the keris, the PAS president held up it up, bringing the hilt close to his face in the age-old grand martial ceremonial gesture of salute.

After the cloth was removed, Hadi, assisted by PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan, cut the cake amid cheers and applause from the delegates, who also chanted Allahuakbar.
At the same event, the PAS supporters wing comprising non-Muslims also read their formal declaration of support for Hadi and PAS.
Yesterday, PAS Youth chief Nik Mohamad Abduh Abdul Aziz and other party leaders chose to done the costume of ancient Malay warriors as opposed to their usual white robes.-Mkini

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