Friday, June 3, 2016

How difficult is it to verify authenticity of Bank Negara’s letter?

YOURSAY | ‘In the old days, you kill the messenger. Today, you go after the whistleblower.’
Kingfisher: Verifying the authenticity of the letter may be a straightforward matter, logically. The inspector-general of police (IGP) will obviously go on, after verifying its authenticity, to investigate as necessary the source of the leak for breach of confidentiality.
The public would also expect that the substance of alleged crimes precipitated in the conduct of 1MDB under the Finance Ministry, if authenticity is proven, will be taken up seriously by our diligent IGP as well.
But don't ignore the substance of the alleged crime exposed. The nation should be served.
Vijay47: Hurray! The IGP rides into town. Stop worrying about them rustlers, folks, now that the sheriff is here, we are in safe hands.
But a bit of confusion here, marshal, as you head towards the OK Corral; if it has not yet been determined that the Bank Negara letter was genuine, how come a police report was made? And if a fake, will anyone be charged for making false reports? Just asking.
Further, unkind people, especially that pest Tony Pua, will wonder what you were doing all this while, why the verification work was not started immediately the news broke, though I can understand that you must have been busy twitting around.
By the by, any letter to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chairperson is meant for the PAC, it does not become his personal property.
Rupert16: What a joke. If the leaked letter is found to be authentic, the first thing the IGP should do is to re-open the criminal investigation on 1MDB and haul up the scoundrels.
Going after the whistleblower should be the least of his priorities if the IGP is indeed doing his job.
But knowing that our IGP is at the beck and call of ‘someone’ at the very top of this massive corruption food chain, he will perhaps end up doing the cover-up instead of exposing the alleged crime and the high-end criminals involved.
Cogito Ergo Sum: If the letter is not authentic, how can it be classified under the Official Secrets Act (OSA)?
You mean anything can be classified under OSA, whether authentic or not? And why did the PAC chairperson allegedly hide it if it was not authentic?
Anonymous #44199885: Should not the priority be investigating a possible fraud having been committed as US$1 billion has been paid by 1MDB, a government-linked company, to a company that is not connected with Abu Dhabi’s International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC)?
Law enforcement needs to get its priorities right - investigate the possibility of a white-collar crime as it impacts on the Malaysian taxpayers’ funds.
The disclosure of wrongdoing should never be classified under OSA as it sets a precedent for any government, whether opposition or BN, to hide all wrongdoings and this undermines the public interest and is a threat to the well-being of all Malaysians.
Benghazi: Oh My God (OMG), they are still at it. Finding all ways to try and prove PM Najib Razak is innocent. Why don't the police try to verify who owned Good Star? I'm sure it's fairly straightforward.
If it was incorporated in Timbuktu, go to Timbuktu and inspect the records of the registrar of companies there. There are too many cover-up efforts being made to clear Najib of wrongdoing and it's not helping.
Anonymous112233: Just summon and question Jho Low. That would have solved the matter.
Smallbigblob: It’s so simple to determine if the letter is real. Just ask the Bank Negara governor.
Gaji Buta: The root cause of all problems we are facing now is not the crooks but the people who do not catch the crooks, or even go to the extent of protecting the crooks.
These are the people who need to be eliminated first, before the crooks can be caught.
Fair Play: In the old days, you kill the messenger. In today's environment (particularly in Malaysia), you go after the whistleblower.
I suppose this is an area of expertise no other nations can ever compete with us.
Oxymoronictendencies: Truly bizzare! You would expect the police to be actively investigating, interrogating and questioning those responsible for the transfer of billions of ringgit to Good Star and Aabar BVI and the resultant alleged act of fraud and theft of the rakyat's money.
But no, we find zero action from the police in regard to that. Instead they search diligently for a whistleblower who did no more than confirm that Bank Negara and PAC both knew that Good Star was beneficially owned by Jho Low and not owned by the PetroSaudi International, information that was already in the public domain.
It's really rather hard to imagine that anyone was not aware of this or that such information could therefore be an "official secret". But perhaps the "official secret" is that Bank Negara, PAC and the government know that Jho Low was the beneficial owner of Good Star, so they can no longer pretend they don't know. This, of course, is rather inconvenient as it proves yet more lies from the government.
Mushiro: The police do not have to quiz the Bank Negara staff to determine if the letter leaked to The Wall Street Journal is authentic.
If the police do not know this, then they have failed in their duties and if they already knew this, then they have also failed in their duties by not taking action against Jho Low.

Ipoh PP: When I was a little boy, my mama told me to always tell the truth and shame the devil. But now that I am grown up, the government tells me to hide the truth and shame the angel. -Mkini

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