Monday, June 27, 2016

Husni Hanadzlah resigns FROM ALL POSTS : as cuci jamban Janitor, as sweeper under the carpet, as 2nd finance minister, as Umno treasurer, as BN treasurer-general, as Perak Umno liaison deputy chairman, as Perak BN deputy chairman and as Tambun Umno division chief

Image result for Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah resigns

"Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah has announced his resignation as second finance minister ..The Tambun MP today announced his resignation from all his posts, including Umno treasurer, BN treasurer-general, Perak Umno liaison committee deputy chairman, Perak BN deputy chairman and Tambun Umno division chief."

The Cabinet has been reshuffled. If the Cabinet was already dumb, now they are dumber.  More of the mentally challenged have been elevated. That is all.

So Husni Hanadzlah has resigned.  I think Husni was finding it more difficult to sleep at night.  

When Husni was a child he may have wanted to be a fireman but I doubt he ever dreamed of being a member of Ali Baba's 40 Thieves. 

Obviously Husni does not have the thick skin of a hippo.  
Or the absolute lack of conscience of the Pirate or that mamak.  

Husni knows the day of reckoning is coming soon.  Tick tock. Tick tock.

Folks,  obviously they are crumbling from the inside.

Remember that alien Martian movie I spoke about. In the beginning the aliens looked formidable and undefeatable. In the end they just died of oxygen poisoning. The free air that we breathe proved fatal to them.

In the same way folks, the free air that we breathe will prove fatal to the thieves. They are crumbling from inside. 

1. In this month of June alone, Wahid Omar has thrown in the towel. Wahid Warak perhaps realised too late that he has been used.  Especially by his mentor.

2. Then Abu Kassim the MACC chief has also thrown in the towel. I think he has had enough as well.

3. Now Husni Hanadzlah has resigned from ALL POSTS.  

There is a theory that  these resignations are happening after a hippo was seen boarding a private jet with up to 200 pieces of luggage (plus or minus). Not it was not 25 bags for sure.   

Rumours say the bags were full of dirty underwear - being taken for laundering overseas.  Crazy rumours folks. Who will take dirty underwear on a private jet for laundering overseas?

Conclusion :  I attended another power buka puasa recently. This one was really power. Heard plenty of stuff. Real stuff from "front-line" people. Meaning people who were / are personally involved.

Cannot divulge folks.  Sorry.  Then they will take "evasive" actions.    

The only ones remaining will be the really corrupt, the really crooked, the real low life, the toilet bowl scum and the really, really stupid.

Maybe Husni aint so stupid after all.

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