Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Legal drinking age raised to 21, controls on hard liquor imposed

Image result for Legal drinking age raised to 21 - Malaysia

The legal age for drinking alcohol in Malaysia will be 21 years, up from 18 at present, starting Dec 1, 2017.
There will also be further restrictions on compounded hard liquor (CHL) - a mix of two or more alcoholic drinks like whiskey, rum, vodka and brandy.
Come Dec 1, 2017, CHL can only be sold in 700 ml glass bottles.
All alcoholic drink packagings must carry the health warning, ‘Drinking alcohol is bad for health’’. The same warning must be displayed at all businesses that sell alcoholic drinks.
Failure to comply with this will be an offence punishable with a fine not exceeding RM10,000 or a jail term of not more than two years.
Failure to comply with the CHL requirements will be an offence punishable with no more than RM5,000 fine or a jail term of not more than two years.

The amendments, made through a Health Ministry ruling, were gazetted on May 27, Health Minister Dr S Subramaniam said in a statement.
It is in line with the World Health Organisation’s ‘Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol’.
“The ministry is always concerned over matters that can threaten consumer health and safety,” Subramaniam said. -Mkini

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