Wednesday, July 27, 2016

‘A message from Malaysian Official 1'

Image result for AG US announce 1MDB findings

My dear fellow Malaysians,
Recently there has been much talk on the civil lawsuit filed by the US Department of Justice and its implications on Malaysia. There is so much speculation flying around on the parties involved and named in the suit. I think it is high time and only proper that I come out and make a statement.
The Malaysian Official 1 named in the civil suit is not the prime minister of Malaysia. It is me. Who am I? That's irrelevant. The point is it is not the prime minister of Malaysia.
Please realise that there is a coup attempt by certain parties to overthrow the ruling government of Malaysia. Certain parties are reporting money-laundering transactions that took place in the United States of America to the authorities in the United States of America. Those people must be stopped. They are disrupting Malaysia’s parliamentary democracy.
The incumbent attorney-general of Malaysia has cleared the prime minister of Malaysia of any wrongdoing. That means the prime minister of Malaysia has no knowledge whatsoever as to how billions of ringgit of taxpayers’ monies that went through 1MDB which travelled halfway around the world somehow ended up in his personal bank account.
The prime minister of Malaysia has already said that all those named in the civil suit must take responsibility to clear their names. He never said that he will take responsibility to clear his name. So that means he is not involved in any of the allegations mentioned in the civil suit. That means he is not Malaysian Official 1.
The attorney-general of Malaysia has said that the US$681 million which went into the prime minister of Malaysia’s personal account is accounted for. He is saying that because the US Department of Justice is actually referring to a totally different transaction of US$681 million that is alleged to have been stolen from 1MDB. It is sheer coincidence that the amounts are the same, that’s all.
My dear fellow Malaysians, in these trying times, perhaps it would be wise not to listen to any news or read any material that is suggesting that Malaysian Official 1 is the prime minister of Malaysia. It may sound like him, it may look like him, but it is not him.
I hope that the Malaysian police are going to investigate the report lodged by the Umno Youth against the former MACC chief, the former attorney-general and the former governor of Bank Negara, all of whom were appointed by the prime minister of Malaysia, for trying to topple the prime minister of Malaysia. So you see, it looks like everyone is out to get the innocent Malaysian prime minister.
Finally, let me reiterate, that I am Malaysian Official 1. No, never did any huge sums of stolen monies from 1MDB go into my account like how it went into the Malaysian prime minister’s personal account, but he is not Malaysian Official 1. No, I did not have any high authority in 1MDB like the Malaysian prime pinister, but he is not Malaysian Official 1. No, I do not have a relative named Riza Aziz like the Malaysian prime minister, but he is not Malaysian Official 1.
So, the person referred to in the US Department of Justice’s civil suit is not the prime minister of Malaysia, but me.
Yours sincerely, Malaysian Official 1.

PUTHAN PERUMAL is an advocate and solicitor of the High Court of Malaya. --Mkini

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