Saturday, July 2, 2016


The people of the “dhimma" is an Arabic term referring to non-Muslim citizens of an Islamic state. The word literally means "protected person” or “dhimmi”
On the other hand, harbi literally means belonging to war and is a term of the syariah law, which refers to a non-Muslim, who does not live under the condition of the dhimma but wages war against the Muslims. Thus, Muslims of those eras had the terms "kafir harbi" and. "kafir dhimmi".
Some Islamic scholars have the opinion that the blood and property of the kafir harbi are not protected, as they fight against and are hostile towards the Muslims.
Kafir harbi in the present context
The “Kafir harbi” issue purportedly brought up by a Mufti in the country just recently – perhaps, tacitly and doctrinally supported by some political goons - is actually a non-issue and has got nothing to do with Islam as understood by many Islamic scholars in the present world and in the context of our nation. No non-Muslims are at war with Muslims in this country. We basically live in a peaceful society where we have to by default or design complement each other. The world today for that matter is a world of interdependency.
True Muslims will not fall into this political ploy designed by some wayward politicians and a few ill-conceived so-called ulama. The people should not be carried away by these bullies as they are using religion to bind and consolidate their positions in politics, and unfortunately, some so-called ulama have no choice but to “sell their souls” for money and status in this passing world.
in fact, to any right-thinking soul, the discernment is that no human tribe can live in isolation if they want to progress in life. The order of life has been proven that human beings are created to complement each other. Even nature itself is proven to be a realm of complements.
Muslims, for that matter, need the help and support of non-Muslims and vice versa. Undeniably, the worldly comfort and technologically derived benefits and amenities we enjoy and experience today to a certain extent - with Allah’s Grace and Will - are contributed by the non-Muslims. Indisputably, this contribution has to be appreciated by the Muslims.
Islam means peace
Islam means Peace. In Arabic, the word “Islam” is derived from the root word “salam” which generally means “peace or to be in a peaceful state” To follow the right path in life means to submit to God’s Will by being compassionate and virtuous. The right path means the “peaceful and truthful” path in life that can bring harmony to all – the people of all tribes and creed.
Muslim religious scholars have pointed out some of the similarities among religions and remarkably promulgated that many religions have a concept of submission to God.
In Jewish history, when the ancient Hebrews obeyed God’s commands, they had a long period of prosperity and stability. They had submitted to the right path ordained by God.
In Christianity, submitting to God is a way of putting your life into the path willed by God. In other words, to be virtuous, to do no harm but good, and serve mankind so that this would bring justice and harmony to society.
In Hinduism, submitting to God is a way ordained by the Creator – which they describe as Satana Brahma – a way of life that harmonises all forms of creations. Do not harm but live and let live is the theo-essence of Satana Brahma. Dharma in the religion signifies behaviours and orders that make life and universe possible.
In Buddhism, submitting to God and living a life of piety is by itself dharma - a basic principle of cosmic order. The aim of which is to achieve righteousness by cleansing your inner-self of all evils so as to achieve self-actualisation. Cleansing the evil forces within yourself and overcoming it with good forces, only through this you transform to become a better soul.
But do the people follow all these ordained religious precepts in life? They generally do not and we see all the chaos in society.
The spirit of Islam
So, if we look at the word ‘Islam’ from this perspective, we can understand why obeying God’s commands and trusting in God’s wisdom could bring about peace to all mankind.
In the truest sense of Islamic spirit and outreach, Muslims do not cause unnecessary harm to ALL forms of creations, as essentially they are all created by the same and one God (The God). The spirit of Islam is fundamentally to harmonise the people of all tribes and creed.
“Men, we created you from a male and female and made you into nations and tribes that you might get to know one another.” (Quran: 49:13)
“Among his other signs are the creation of Heaven and Earth and the diversity of your tongues and colours. Surely there are signs for this in all mankind.” (Quran: 30:22)

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