Tuesday, July 26, 2016

When mummy is the devil . . . a daughter speaks up

                                                  Photo: Reuters, Azrene Ahmad

Monday, Jul 25, 2016


1MDB scandal - sparks becoming embittered family drama

harshest critic of Najib family is stepdaughter, Azrene

Not on endearing terms with mother, Rosmah Mansor

slammed couple and brother Riza in Facebook post 

Azrene said : "If Malaysia is not willing to give the justiceM'sian people have prayed for and the justice my family have each night prayed for, then the US has - in its own way - that only they can justify."
harshest words for estranged mother
accused her of "(utilising) and (mobilising) govt resources to wreak terror 
to harass us (the family) over the last ten years 
for standing up for what we believe to be right".
bluntly told her mother not to throw her brother under a bus 
"so that you and your husband can get off scot-free".
also appealed to her mother to "Be. A. Mother."

On Riza, Azrene said: "..those he chose to surround himself with
He chose to have fame, wealth and adulation
He is now paying the price for it

She added: "...if Riza did indeed use and profit from stolen funds. He needs to pay for what he has done. If he stood as proxy or as a trustee for what does not belong to him or any individual who asked him to be the "dutiful son", he needs to pay. ..if it hurts the country and the people then it is wrong. A wrong must be righted."
  • she added: "If Riza signed his soul to the devil to own what does not rightly belong to him, consider his debt with the devil collected and more due for collection. 
  • Similarly, all family members who have signed their soul to the devil... Your time will come."
She also accused the US government of copping out by not naming Malaysian officials ­involved in the scandal.

"If the USAG and the US have decided to cop out by leaving the term "corrupt government officials and 1MDB officials" as an open ended thing, I hope and pray for the sake of this country and what is right that the right individuals be brought to justice," she said.

Azrene slammed the Malaysian officials for harassing her and her family. 

She wrote: "To the different "officials" who have had a hand in harassing my family to this day, ..one day a knock will come at your doorstep asking to collect your soul and debts. Make sure you are prepared to pay them."
She added: ".. to watch the house of cards come tumbling down 
encouragement to everyone to never be afraid to stand up for what is right 
my husband, in laws and children can sleep soundly at night in peace and safety 

My prayers for truth and justice has been answered this day

My comments :  In every family there are the devils. Yup sometimes the mummy is the devil.  

I am wondering about those government officials who harrassed this girl.  No need to wait until their 'souls' get collected. What if there is no such thing as souls?

They should be collected now and carted off to jail.  

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