Friday, July 1, 2016

Why look for Jho Low after the horses have bolted?

YOURSAY | ‘You can't touch this man. That’s because they’re not at all interested…’
RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: Do you ever notice that the quietest people in this 1MDB scandal are PM Najib Razak and his associate, Jho Low?
Not only that, do you ever hear the inspector-general of police (IGP) promising to get Jho Low back on Malaysian shore to facilitate investigation?
And so far how many Umno leaders or members have make a police report against Jho Low for allegedly looting of billions of 1MDB money?
Dont Just Talk: As usual, the horses have bolted from the stable and everyone is asking, “Where are the horses?”
Either Jho Low is somewhere sailing in his luxury yacht near BVI (British Virgin Islands), enjoying his wine with some pretty models in tow, or in Las Vegas sipping Cristal champagne, again with pretty models in tow.
Use your head, and don’t forget to pay the 6 percent Goods and Services Tax (GST) as a contribution to Jho Low’s luxurious lifestyle.
Boeyks: You can't touch this man. This is because those who are lawmakers and enforcers are not at all interested in finding how he got his money, and it's not even a ‘donation’. Just continue paying your GST.
Anonymous_3e68: Where there is a will, there is a way. If there is a resolve to want to get in touch with anyone, it can be done. Watch the foreigners do it shortly.
Jonah 2: All that you see of Jho Low are the mansions, the partying, the jets, the women, the yachts, using the money meant for our roads, schools and hospitals.
Where are the ‘ketuanan’ group when money meant to raise the standards of all Malaysians has so openly been siphoned away?
Dingy: Unlike before, Jho Low is no longer welcome by Najib and Rosmah Mansor in Malaysia.
His presence would pose a great danger to Najib's expected long tenure as PM. It's best if Jho Low disappear from the face of the earth so that the secrets are safe.
Nil: What attempts have been made to find him? He could have other names and identities, and several passports.
If he is using a Malaysian passport, his movements should be able to be traced through the use of credit cards, hotel check-ins and plane tickets.
Oscar Kilo: I'm sure someone in Malaysia is still in regular contact with Jho Low, discussing how to rewrite the script of 1MDB.
Oscar Kilo: Taxi drivers must realise that the good old days of waiting at malls and bus stops to allegedly fleece passengers are over. Taxi drivers must adapt to the new order of cutting-edge technology and professional service.
The government must also revamp the taxi industry. Get rid of taxi permit cronies.
The Land Transport Commission (Spad) is useless at regulating the taxi industry, so Uber and GrabCar are stepping in to do the job instead.
Apa 1Malaysia?: Taxi drivers should look at themselves in the mirror to see the reasons they are losing customers.
I’ve boarded a GrabCar vehicle once. The driver was punctual, polite and helpful; the fare is fixed; and the car is clean and comfortable.
I once took by mistake a metered taxi from KLIA to Kuala Lumpur. The driver gave me a big tour of KL before arriving at the destination, of course with a huge fare.
Complain? To whom and does it make any difference? We have had this problem since taxis were introduced.
Drngsc: That is the problem with the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM). Smashing a car and causing injury to the victim is a Penal Code offence.
The errant taxi drivers should be quickly investigated (I think it’s an open-and-shut case), arrested and put in jail. That will put a stop to all these samseng behaviour.
And Spad should withdraw their taxi licences. The Road Transport Department (RTD) should also cancel their driver’s licences.
We do not want samsengs on the road. Do nothing and more innocent citizens are going to get hurt.

Boeyks: Previously, when a similar incident happened, the police said don't exaggerate as nobody was hurt even if they went to the hospital, no car was damaged and there were no gangs ambushing the sole Uber driver, just one or two chaps having a discussion.
Let’s see what the new story is going to be now with this. - Mkini

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