Tuesday, August 2, 2016

1. Rumblings in Perlis 2. Why Ahmad Said Cannot Be Sacked. 3. UMNO crisis in Sabah

Image result for trouble in Sabah Umno says Shafie Apdal

Here are two news items from The Star :

1.  Perlis MB denies conspiracy with Dr M to topple Najib

Perlis MB Azlan Man denied being involved in conspiracy with Dr M to topple Najib    

"Neither have I 'stabb(ed) PM in the back' as claimed by blogger Y*****.  

"Y*****'s bad intention reflected in the events he related, which never happened

Here is the second one :

Former Terengganu MB Ahmad Said willing to accept fate 
warned consequences  party could face in the state.
Supreme Council members urged to sack him 
for motion of no-confidence against MB in March
if they sack me (Umno) there would be hung "assembly"
BN has 17 seats against 14 by PAS and 1 by PKR.
“If they want to sack me, they can do it
it hung parliament MB will have to resign or dissolve

My comments :  UMNO is in serious trouble in Sabah. Yesterday's reports say over 1500 UMNO members resigned in a place called Tenom. Shafie Apdal is routing UMNO out of Sabah - even before the elections. 

Even without these resignations, I think UMNO has just lost their Fixed Deposit in Sabah.

There is no smoke without fire. Something must be afoot in Perlis for the blogger to say that an anti Najib conspiracy is cooking over there.  And of course Ahmad Said is king of the hill in Terengganu. UMNO just cannot touch him. If they kick him out, the state assembly will be 16-16, it will be a hung situation at the least.

But Ahmad Said does have an ally who might follow him. Which will make it 15-17. In such event PAS will take over Terengganu. Whatever the case now, PAS will most likely take Terengganu in 2018. 

So that is Sabah, Terengganu, Kelantan, Penang, Selangor and maybe even Perak and Negeri Sembilan gone.

Over the seas - the American DOJ has already put 'seizure' notices on all those ill gotten properties  including the townhouse in London. The UK has helped the Americans with the 'seizure notices'. 

So overnite the stepson and Jho Low have lost access to the apartments, houses and townhouses that they had bought in the US and UK. Those paintings have also been treated the same with the Swiss seizing some of them as well. 

According to John Mallot, hippo has most likely lost her shopping privileges at most (if not all) of the big name outlets. Hippo has already said that she has to ask her husband for hair dresser money. And the husband is MOF1.

The US DOJ's very public announcement  will make all the Mat Salleh countries think twice if they wish to receive any "stolen money" from the hippo. Dealing in stolen goods (especially stolen money)  is a crime in all countries in the world.  And with the US DOJ's public statement,  no one can plead ignorance.  This means that these peoples' movements are now quite restricted.  

Its going to get worse for them.

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