Saturday, August 27, 2016

Catch them all or we will rally, red shirts tell police of TangkapMO1

Political pressure group Gerakan Merah today told police that it will stage a protest if no action is taken against those who participated in the student-led TangkapMO1 rally earlier today.
“We will wait for police to take action against the students, backed by opposition leaders, who demonstrated illegally in front of Sogo.
“If they fail to arrest them tonight or tomorrow, Gerakan Merah will stage a protest on Aug 29 at 2pm in front of the Dang Wangi police station in Kuala Lumpur,” its chief Mohd Ali Baharom, also known as Ali Tinju, said in a statement.
Yesterday, Ali Tinju’s red shirts had announced that they had decided not to hold a counter-rally to oppose the student-led demonstration, citing the need to heed police advice, and hoping that the police will school the students on the consequence of holding illegal demonstrations.

Similarly the other red shirt faction, Himpunan Merah led by Sungai Besar Umno chief Jamal Yunos, had also said that they will both be on the ground.
Ali Tinju earlier said that his group may stage a counter-rally to face off against TangkapMO1.
The two groups were famous for jointly facing off against anti-establishment rallies, though they have since had a falling-out and now operate independently. - Mkini

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