Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Clarification By Hup Seng Biscuit Manufacturer

Image result for Hup Seng Ping Pong Special Cream Crackers controversy

Notice of Clarification

We refer to the recent video clips circulating on the internet by disreputable and hostile individuals intended to tarnish the company’s product image and reputation.

With regards to the case of burning biscuits, we would like to share that it is the characteristic of flour and/or oil related food products that they will combust or burn. However, this ability to combust has no direct correlation or effect on food safety. Our Hup Seng Ping Pong Special Cream Crackers are safe for consumption. 

In 2011, we submitted our Hup Seng Ping Pong Special Cream Crackers for lab test on plasticizers and obtained proof that plasticizers were not detected.  Recently, we have sent our Special Cream Crackers for lab test on plasticizers again and we will announce the results as soon as we obtain them.

We sincerely thank all the supporters who love our Special Cream Crackers.  As our gratitude for your loyal support, we continuously adopt strict process to produce Special Cream Crackers that are safe for consumption. 

Thank you.

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