Wednesday, August 3, 2016

'No action against Umno Youth number two shows IGP's double standards'

PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli has accused inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar of practising double standards.
This is after Khalid said earlier today that no action will be taken against Umno Youth leader Khairul Azwan Harun for lodging a police report "based on assumptions".
Rafizi, the Pandan MP, contrasted this with the swift action taken against him for pursuing issues of public interest, such as the financial management of Tabung Haji and the Armed Forces Fund (LTAT).
"When I make comments that can't be disputed by the authorities, the police themselves lodged reports against me in some cases, and I was apprehended and charged, on issues that clearly have basis and can be substantiated," Rafizi told Malaysiakini.
He said Khairul Azwan's police report was not only baseless, but an attack on the integrity of Bank Negara, the Attorney-General's Chambers, and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.
Khairul Azwan had last week lodged a police report against the former heads of the three institutions: Zeti Akhtar Aziz, Abdul Gani Patail, and Abu Kassim Mohamed.
The Umno Youth vice-chief claimed the trio were involved in a conspiracy against Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, adding that they might have falsified evidence which they gave to the US' Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
Khalid today said the police report would not be investigated as it was based on assumptions.
But he denied that it constituted a false report, and let Khairul Azwan off the hook with a warning not to lodge such reports again.
However, Rafizi said police should probe the Umno Youth number two for criminal defamation and criminal intimidation.
He also urged Zeti, Gani and Abu Kassim to sue Khairul Azwan, to show the agencies they once helmed that they should not be cowed by politicians.

Meanwhile, lawyer Syahredzan Johan said Khairul Azwan's actions were irresponsible.
"He can be probed under Section 182 of the Penal Code for giving false information to a public servant (the police) with intention to cause the public servant to use his lawful powers to cause injury to others.
"I don't want him to be investigated by police or charged, but he has to realise that as a youth political leader, he should be more careful and responsible with his actions," Syahredzan said in a Facebook posting. - Mkini

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