Sunday, August 28, 2016

What dignity when MO1 talks about MO1 as a third person?

YOURSAY | ‘No one can give or take your dignity away. It stays within you unseen.’
Fair Play: Commander (Rtd) S Thayaparan, I think it would be fair to say this. Malay dignity is 100 percent different from ‘ketuanan Umno’ dignity, just as Chinese Malaysians’ dignity is different from MCA dignity.
Umno Malay dignity is measured by the size (how many digits) of the cheque.
Just A Malaysian: Dignity is an abstract concept that cannot be defined or owned. It has to come from within each and every person feeling his or her self-worth.
When Sungai Besar Umno division chief Jamal Md Yunos calls minorities ‘Cina babi’ or ‘pendatang’, etc, I did not feel my dignity is in any way threatened.
My dignity comes from inside, from my sense of quiet achievements in my life through hard work and education.
No one can give or take your dignity away. It is earned and it stays within you unseen but it is there.
Factnot Fiction: Indeed, dignity is marked by integrity, humility, hard work and moral values of an individual and not by racial background.
Abasir: Tangkap Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) rally spokesperson Anis Syafiqah Md Yusof (and I'd like to believe there are hundreds like her) perhaps represents the last flicker of hope this country has.
She is clearly unschooled in the ways of ‘ketuanan Umno’, is willing to stand up in the open to state her views without fear and in doing so, proclaim to the country that there is still a breed of self-respecting Malays for whom a crime is a crime regardless of which rich and privileged feudal master has committed it.
She has, in my opinion, more dignity and class than all the Tuns, Tan Sris, Datuks put together.
So before anyone thoughtlessly tars all Malays with the same brush, please pause for a moment - and consider the guts this lass has demonstrated.
TimesAchanging: What is this dignity that they are talking about? How would there be any left when MO1 talks about MO1 as a third person, and his race-based party acts as if everything is fine?
Mamadias: Thayaparan, are you saying the Malays have not succeeded in any of the fields that you mentioned?
For all the faults of some in Umno, please don't undermine the Malays as though they have not succeeded. There are many in the fields of medicine, engineering and science, who are world class in their own ways.
No-Brainer: Malay dignity has been shamed, disgraced and destroyed by none other than MO1 and Umno.
This MO1 is the one to be blamed as he allegedly stole and siphoned billions of the rakyat’s money, not for personal gain but for his cronies’, his supporters' and his party divisions’ and branch leaders' gains.
All these people who received these sinful ‘donations’ thought they were going to heaven.
Existential Turd: "...there is not really a sense of ‘ketuanan Melayu’ in the general Malay community but rather a ‘ketuanan Umno’... In other words, Malay dignity as defined by Umno is dependence on Umno." Exactly.
Umno's stranglehold on the Malay mindset can only be broken if and when they can stand on their own two feet. But Malays have been raised on this drug for at least one generation. They are now totally dependent on their ‘drug lord’.
Anonymous #05023297: Haven't you heard? Umno Malay dignity is on the palms of their hands, and kept hidden under beds and in the ceilings in nice little bundles.
Tikusmati: Malay dignity? Ask Umno. It is allegedly for sale to the highest bidder with the highest loyalty, but the lowest dignity.
6th Generation Immigrant: Isn't it obvious that Malaysia has today lost direction, governance, integrity and its treasured core values built from 1946 to 1969?
Today, people who speak honestly have been wronged, while those who have been wrong are made righteous and even elevated. It was during similar happenings in Europe that Hans Christian Anderson once wrote ‘The Emperor's New Clothes’.
(From Wikipedia to those who have not read) - “This is a short tale about two weavers who promise an emperor a new suit of clothes that is invisible to those who are unfit for their positions, stupid, or incompetent. When the emperor parades before his subjects in his new clothes, no one dares to say that they don't see any suit of clothes until a child cries out, "But he isn't wearing anything at all!"
The tale has been translated into over 100 languages. Perhaps it should be translated into Bahasa Malaysia for our rakyat. Where is Malaysia's honest little boy and when is he appearing?
1Citizen: All are inflicted by Aids (Acute Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome) which has overrun Umno (Untold Misery Now Overhead).
Mosquitobrain: Poor Najib Abdul Razak, surrounded by his inner circle of allegedly incompetent lieutenants with primary school kid's thinking, secondary school students’ attitude and acting like university adults.
Headhunter: Defending the indefensible is a pathetic act and puts the person's level of intelligence into question.

That's why half of the cabinet members’ intelligence is suspect. Perhaps eating too much ‘dedak’ (animal feed) can cause brain damage. - Mkini

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