Friday, September 9, 2016


‘He and Riza enjoy immunity despite being accused of siphoning millions of dollars.’
‘Don’t send credit card statements to PM’s house’
RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: It looks like Jho Low was the brain behind the 1MDB operation. Now we know why our authorities are not interested in getting him and his friend Riza Aziz (PM Najib Razak’s stepson).
He and Riza enjoy immunity despite being accused of siphoning millions of dollars from 1MDB.]
Najib should know the implications of the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) publishing such scandals on him almost on a daily basis. After all, WSJ is widely read in New York, the financial capital of the world.
With the country’s image so badly tainted by such prestigious newspaper, any serious investor would think twice before putting his money here.
Bluemountains: How did Jho Low know that Najib’s accounts were running short of funds after issuing more than 500 cheques?
Who could have informed him to bank in another US$4 million in order to avert bounced cheques?
1Citizen: Mr IGP (inspector-general of police), if your investigation on 1MDB is still on, you can make progress by just calling Jho Low in for a statement.
Indeed, WSJ is doing a much better job than you. Perhaps you can learn one or two things from them.
Not Convinced: Indeed, the IGP should ask Interpol to issue a red notice on Jho Low.
And don’t forget to include SRC International’s Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil and Suboh Md Yasin, both of whom have reportedly fled the country.
GE14Now!: The noose tightens ever so slowly but surely. Much as I would prefer a swifter execution of justice, I suppose I will just indulge myself and savour the pain that MO1 (Malaysian Official 1) must be going through now.
Negarawan: “More such letters followed, some using nearly identical language, describing purported gifts of hundreds of millions of dollars,” said WSJ.
If the allegations are true, then the Saudi prince could be charged for abetment in the massive international money laundering involving 1MDB.
The question is what did he get in return for allowing the 1MDB perpetrators to allegedly use his letterhead and signature, posing falsely as a donor?
Boeyks: Let us not forget that there are a couple of senior AmBank officers who are working with Jho Low for the benefit of MNR or MO1 or PM in allegedly cheating the people of this country.
The law will get them in due course, or they can do a deal with the US to nail down the real culprits.
FellowMalaysian: More damning reports are being revealed by the week of Najib’s atrocious subterfuge in using the PM’s name and influence to divert allegedly tainted funds which found its way into the PM’s personal AmBank account.
Everyone knows by now that Jho Low is the conduit banker and advisor to the US$731 million trove which came from 1MDB and found deposited in Najib’s account.
I believe more of these inglorious disclosures will be made in the coming weeks right till when the US Department of Justice’s (DOJ’s) forfeiture lawsuit is heard.
Anonymous #19098644: The truth prevails, the lies are exposed, the thief and hypocrite are stripped naked in front of the world. The world knows who MO1 is. The ‘machais’ (supporters) continue to spin and twist the story.
Their actions betray the rakyat, the country, the Malay race and Islam. Yet the traitor continues to rule because cash is king.
Jaycee: We can highlight all the dirty tactics that these thieves used to steal the rakyat’s money. It is not going to make a difference.
The perpetrators are still laughing all the way to the bank and patronise us by giving speeches on “hard work and integrity”.
Everything has remained as status quo and the rakyat are the ones paying the price for an incompetent and allegedly corrupted government.
Oscar Kilo: The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has taken stern action against rogue bankers involved in the 1MDB scam, and shut down the Singapore branch of BSI. When will Bank Negara do the same here in Malaysia?
Anonymous 122461436161429: And there are still people who think that Najib is getting away with this? And that Umno, no matter how rotten they are, can continue stomaching these revelations of kleptocracy and theft?
As far as I am concerned, they are finished.
Demi Rakyat: What else can be said? Najib is a total disgrace and embarrassment to our country. While he is not, we the rakyat are so, so embarrassed by him.
The prime minister of a country allegedly directly involved in cheating, money laundering, swindling and lying. Where to hide his face? Where to hide ours? -M’kini


  1. Only in Malaysia where you have the PM controls the AG, Police, MACC, SPRM and maybe Judiciary. How to arrest PM for taking 1MDB money??

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