Thursday, September 1, 2016

Bangsamoro Peace Fails : Malaysia "Negotiating" With The Wrong People

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Malaysia has been involved in the Bangsamoro peace process. Sadly the negotiations have not yielded much peace. There are major shootouts going on in the southern Philippines even now. 45 people have been killed over the past few days. 

Do read the news below.

In our 'peace' interventions in the Philippines, Malaysia chooses to deal with the MILF - the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.  

We have not included the MNLF or the Moro National Liberation Front led by Nur Misuari, basically a terrorist and a thick friend of  Liwat.  

I have pointed out many times that  without the MNLF,  our peace intervention is just a waste of time.

Nur Misuari has been connected to much of the recent violence in the southern Philippines. Do read the news below.   

Despite all this, the new Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte  has made it an objective to negotiate directly with Nur Misuari. 


Philippine leader rejects emergency power vs extremists

August 31, 2016

MANILA - President Duterte rejected proposals to declare emergency 
to defeat Abu Sayyaf who killed 15 soldiers 

Duterte would not enforce arrest warrant for Nur Misuari so they could talk

Duterte pursued talks with Misuari's MNLF and larger MILF 
has ordered troops to destroy brutal Abu Sayyaf

massive military offensive in Sulu left 30 militants dead
Abu Sayyaf struck back Monday killed 15 soldiers in Sulu's Patikul town.

Duterte asked Misuari to come out of hiding 
criminally charged for role in 2013 rebel siege that left 200 dead
Nearly 300 of Misuari's rebels were captured

Duterte said Misuari preferred to meet in Kuala Lumpur
replied during phone call Tuesday he was ready to meet rebel anywhere

Misuari, 77, instigated Muslim separatist rebellion in the south 
Many of his rebels refused to lay down arms and continue attacks

Although sickly, Misuari still commands sizable armed group 
Duterte said he would not dare put him in police detention, where he could die.

"If he dies for whatever reason, we're compromised," Duterte said. 
"There is going to be a conflagration, it'll be hard for us. 
He's only known leader who has influence and stature."
Our Foreign Ministry should read this statement by the Philippine President : 
He's only known leader who has influence and stature.

So without Misuari, no peace accords will work in the southern Philippines.  The Philippine President should know his country better. 

So to our Foreign Ministry please dont waste time, taxpayers money and dont put the safety of Sabah at risk by negotiating with the wrong parties or not including everyone in the peace process.  Instead of helping we will become more meddlesome.  And dont take instructions from the US Embassy on this one either.

Here is more news :


Philippines' Duterte says to meet fugitive Muslim rebel
Duterte planned to meet fugitive Muslim rebel wanted over deadly siege
promising to ignore an arrest order to forge peace
latest attempt to end decades-long insurgencies, claimed 150,000

Duterte said he spoke on Tuesday to Nur Misuari, founder of (MNLF)
one of two major Muslim rebel groups based in the south 

"I told him: 'Nur, I have no intention of detaining you or putting you in custody..'
You can simply walk out there, ask any soldier to escort you to where we can talk
Duterte offered to meet Misuari in rebel's stronghold in war-torn Jolo or in Manila.

But Misuari said he preferred they meet in Malaysia 
before representatives of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
while promising a quick peace deal, according to Duterte."He said in two days we can sign something and end fighting," Duterte said.

Benigno Aquino filed rebellion charges against Misuari 
for siege of Zamboanga in 2013 that left 200 dead.
orchestrated siege cos MNLF sidelined in peace deal
offence punishable by 30 years prison
Misuari avoid arrest by remaining under protection of militants on Jolo
also home to notorious Abu Sayyaf kidnap-for-ransom gang.

Duterte is aiming to forge a final peace agreement with both groups.

My comments : It is obvious that Duterte does not want to meet Misuari in Malaysia, especially in KL, home of the kleptocratic bodoh. 

But it is strange isnt it - that Nur Misuari who has been excluded from the Malaysian brokered Moro peace deals - still wants to meet Duterte in KL? Obviously he feels quite at home here in KL.

If it happens, the Malaysian gomen, Police and Military Intelligence must get involved to provide logistics and safe passage for Misuari to come to KL.

In exchange for what? 

Can we get our kidnap victims (there are 10 of them now??)  released first? 
Jangan jadi bodoh. 
There must be a tit for tat. 
I believe Nur Misuari can make the phone calls and get them released.

It looks like these folks can do as they please.
When they feel like it their Abu Sayyaf kidnaps Malaysians.
When they feel like it their rebel leaders want to waltz into KL for peace talks.

Note two things folks. Duterte does not wish to come to KL to plead for peace in his country. It is a loss of face. He is prepared to go to Jolo (Misuari's rebel stronghold) or host  Misuari in the Malacanang Palace.   Also Philippine presidents do not usually visit Kuala Lumpur.  That Sabah thing is still overhanging.

Secondly Misuari is well aware of this. Hence insisting on meeting in KL (together with OIC reps present) is a non starter. 

Obviously Misuari wants to frustrate Duterte's peace efforts - for now.  (Or he has started negotiating already and wants more concessions).

Any peace accord that stops the violence will benefit the people. Misuari is looking out for his own interests.  

Duterte's statements have just made a nonsense of the two peace accords that have been signed in Kuala Lumpur.  The KL accords do not include Misuari and the MNLF.

Whereas Duterte says Misuari (and the MNLF) is the :
only known leader who has influence and stature.

Perhaps it is time for us to step back and give the new Philippine president room to solve this problem.  

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