Saturday, September 10, 2016

Ismail Sabri sowing confusion to defuse the DOJ report

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YOURSAY | ‘Why isn't the IGP investigating those who are named in the DOJ report?’
Justine Gow: "How can the inspector-general of police (IGP) investigate anyone who is not named (in the US Department of Justice report)?" asked Rural and Regional Development Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob.
As to this question, the answer is: It is the job of the IGP to fight crimes by digging up information on the activities of all criminals or potential criminals.
Does he have to know their names, or wait for their names to be revealed, before carrying out an investigation?
Commentable: Ismail Sabri, DAP leader Lim Kit Siang is certainly not confused. Many right-minded Malaysians are also not confused.
The only one trying to cast confusion here is you, working in collusion with a few colleagues of yours in the cabinet. We all know who they are.
The more you lot speak, the less credibility you have. Question is, does it not make Umno ashamed to have leaders like you?
Only Malaysians who are patriotic will speak up for the country, to put right the great injustice that has befallen on the nation.
There are no two ways about how Malaysia should deal with MO1 (Malaysian Official 1). Trying to shield and defend MO1 is not one of them. To do so, Ismail Sabri, you are making yourself complicit to a crime.
At the same time, you are also encouraging and supporting the IGP's notion that it is not his business to do anything about it. For not doing anything, that makes him an accomplice too.
The DOJ report is so meticulous, so tediously laid out, where's the confusion?
SusahKes: I don't think Kit Siang is confused; at least, we know he is not an idiot who doesn't know who MO1 is, unlike some in the Umno supreme council who claimed "nobody knew who MO1 was".
But to me, it appears that a lot of Umno-BN chaps are the ones who are confused. So, if the DOJ expose has now more or less confirmed that the monies that landed inside MO1's personal account are monies that were circulated from the 1MDB funds' round-trip-fun-filled adventure, then, who from Umno-BN have asked MO1, "What now, with the tale of the Arab donor?"
Either MO1 received the monies from the Arab donor or it was from 1MDB. How come no one from Umno-BN is posing this question to him?
And if MO1 still insists it is from a generous Arab, then why does he not reveal the identity of this mysterious philanthroper, and clear his name, once and for all?
Tony Soprano: The seizure of assets is a civil matter. If such seizure is successful - and that's not guaranteed - then US criminal charges would most likely be brought against those who used the US financial system to launder stolen money.
Why? Obviously the US cannot be seen as the go-to place to stash funds of international criminals.
Democracy: The DOJ is applying to confiscate illegal money stolen in Malaysia. They have all the details of the stealing but could not act as it is not within their jurisdiction.
What is within US jurisdiction is to confiscate the stolen money which is in its territory. What is not within their jurisdiction is the stealing in Malaysia.
That is what the rakyat wants our IGP to do since it is within his jurisdiction.
KayL: Ismail Sabri, certainly the IGP should not meddle with the DOJ investigation. That seemed to be your point. However, the money that had been laundered originated from 1MDB (a Malaysian company, if you must be reminded of that).
Billions and billions of money had been allegedly stolen from 1MDB and laundered in the US, and in other countries.
And because MO1, whom you had reaffirmed to be Najib, had been suspected to be deeply involved in the scandal, you conveniently thought that the IGP should not conduct his investigation on the matter. Only moronic sycophant would think that way.
FellowMalaysian: Just when you thought Umno ministers has sunk so low by giving inane and ignoramus reasons in order to gloss or fudge over the 1MDB grand larceny issue, Ismail Sabri's latest faux pas must have hit the bottom.
Based on the Public Accounts Committee’s (PAC's) May 2016 report on 1MDB, the sovereign fund has accumulated a total of US$7 billion which are considered “unaccounted for”. This fact alone is enough to put PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) into action.
As a government minister, where is Ismail Sabri's moral integrity, accountability and dignity when he scoffed off the DOJ's investigation as something disconnected and alien to Malaysia's interest?
If Ismail Sabri's statement is not immediately withdrawn or corrected, this will reflect mortifyingly on Najib and Umno, and will bring further shame and disgrace to the country and its people.
Hardboiled: I will ask Ismail Sabri this simple question: Why isn't the IGP investigating those who are named in the DOJ report?
Last I checked they are Malaysians, are they not? Last I read they are accused in the report for allegedly embezzling or siphoning our funds from 1MDB, are they not?

So inaction by the police will draw some really justifiable public reactions, do they not? Would you prefer I said this in BM? - Mkini

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