Thursday, September 8, 2016

Motorcyclist blames Najib for JPJ summons, demands his arrest

Man calls for Najib's arrest over traffic summons oleh kinitv

In a bizarre video, a motorcyclist has blamed Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak after being slapped with a summons for an expired road tax.
The man, who appeared to have recorded the video on his own with Road Transport Department (JPJ) officers in the background, demanded that Najib resign and be arrested.
"Today, I received a summons from JPJ at the Bukit Kayu Hitam highway and I ask that Najib Tun Razak immediately resign for causing a lot of hardship for the Malaysian people.
“I also call on the police to immediately arrest Najib Tun Razak," he said in the video.
The man explained that his grouse started with a hike in his motorcycle insurance premium.
"On Aug 31, the road tax for my EX5 motorcycle expired and I wanted to renew the insurance but the insurance (premium) increased from RM100 to RM135.
"As a Malaysian, I objected to the increase for motorcycle insurance in the country as the insurance companies have already imposed a lot of cost on the people," he said.
The man then indicated that as a result of his protest by apparently refusing to renew his insurance at a higher premium, thus not being able to renew his road tax as well, he ran into trouble with JPJ.
In Malaysia, an active vehicular insurance is a prerequisite for renewing road tax.
The 1.21 minute video was uploaded on Youtube yesterday and also shared by Umno Online on Facebook.

Netizens responded with humour, with one suggesting that the man ride a horse instead.
Another Youtube user jokingly suggested that the man use "Jalan Bukit Kayu Putih" instead of "Jalan Bukit Kayu Hitam".
Another user stated: "Don't get angry. When people were asked to wake early to vote during the election, they slept. Our prime minister was legitimately elected, so just accept it."- Mkini

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