Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Nincompoops In Charge : Similarities Between Saudi Arabia And Malaysia

Here is a news item from May 16, 2016. But the problem is not solved. Its getting worse. So this news is still relevant. 


  • Workers at major Saudi const. firm set fire to nine buses 
  • protest over thousands of sackings, salaries not paid
  • Employees at Binladin Group demonstrations in Mecca 
  • not received wages for six months
  • attack after Al-Watan reported 50,000 laid off
  • set up by father of Osama, US$30 bill in debt 
  • suspended in Sept '15 after crane collapse in Mecca killed 107

Here is an Indian talk show discussing Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia  suffers  the larger version of a problem that is similar to Malaysia. The gomen's over dependence on oil revenues coupled with gross incompetence.  

Of course the Saudi kings and princes empty their coffers by the Boeing loads without having to declare anything to anyone but themselves.

One of the talk show hosts says that Saudi Arabia has minimal technical manpower. They depend on over 3 million Indian workers alone to even change their lightbulbs. They are just a lazy people who have a negative attitude towards work.

We have the same problems here.  Poor attitude towards work.

On top of that our local boys and girls are shunning maths and science subjects in school and at university.  

Then the gomen is corrupt and incompetent. A "kleptocracy" says the US DOJ.

Then the oil price has dropped.  Screwed.

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