Saturday, October 1, 2016


KUALA LUMPUR – A riot might happen in Malaysia if groups like Bersih 2.0 and the so-called “Red Shirts” keep on locking horns, Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor warned today.
The Federal Territories Minister said both parties should be sensible and keep out of each others’ hairs, instead of allegedly holding protests against one another which might spillover into a riot.
“That’s the problem, when one party does something that hurts the feeling of the other party. There’s reaction and counter reaction. I hope both parties can be sensible.
“This fellow hurts this fellow’s feelings, this fellow hurts this fellow back, towards the end it might become a riot you know. So you got to be very, very careful,” he told reporters when met after an event today.
Tengku Adnan, also known as Ku Nan, added that the multi-cultural and multi-ethnic Malaysia must be preserved at all costs and not be divided by issues such as this.
He also admitted having no idea of Umno Sungai Besar chief Datuk Jamal Yunos’s accusation that the upcoming Bersih 5 rally had been infiltrated by terror group Islamic State (IS).
Instead, he said those claims should be investigated by the police as many out there are purportedly looking to destroy “a successful country” like Malaysia.
“There are people who like to destroy people like us, where we are a successful nation because we believe in unity in diversity.
“No other country in the world is as successful as Malaysia. And of course they would like to see us destroyed,” Tengku Adnan stressed.
Jamal, who leads the ‘Red Shirts’ movement, claimed last week that his group will hold a counter rally in any place that Bersih 2.0 wants to gather.
He then claimed to be “reliably” informed that the electoral watchdog group has been infiltrated by IS militants, but provided no evidence to support his allegation.
– Malay Mail

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