Thursday, October 27, 2016

Ayub Khan is this true? Zakir Naik is back in town? Quietly under the radar?

Image result for Zakir Naik

A commenter said this in the previous post :

Anonymous said...

Zakir Naik back in town. He met the Home Minister, probably Malaysian citizen in the offing since Indian and Bangladeshi authorities are after him.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016 8:34:00 PM

My comments : Dato Ayub Khan, Head of Counter Terrorism at Bkt Aman, is this true? The other day Bilal Philips another Salafi psycho was here giving speeches in Ipoh.

Both Bilal Philips and Zakir Naik have been banned from entering quite a few countries. 

Habis pasai apa hangpa pula bodoh bangang nak jemput geng haprak ini masuk Malaysia?  Tak cukup bodoh ke negeri-negeri depa, benci-membenci, bergaduh, berkelahi, membunuh, sebab geng-geng haprak ini lah. Pasai apa pi jemput depa masuk negara kita?

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