Wednesday, October 26, 2016

If I’m a disgrace, you are too, Speaker tells Opposition MPs

Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia said the actions of his critics showed they too were a ‘disgrace’ to the institution they were elected to. — Picture by Choo Choy May© Provided by Malay Mail Online Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia said the actions of his critics showed they too were a ‘disgrace’ to the institution they were elected to. — Picture by Choo Choy MayKUALA LUMPUR, Oct 26 — Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia hit back today at the Opposition lawmakers who demanded he resign for allegedly being a “disgrace” to Parliament.
The Dewan Rakyat Speaker mocked his critics for sniping at him through the media, saying their actions showed they too were a “disgrace” to the institution they were elected to.
“Am I really a disgrace to Parliament? Come on man, you people tell me if I’m really a disgrace to Parliament. Then I’ve got to back out.
“But if I am to do that, all of us have got to resign, because we are all a disgrace,” Pandikar said in the House.
The Speaker was responding to Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng who was suspended yesterday after branding Pandikar a disgrace.
Pandikar explained that Lim’s suspension was according to Parliament’s Standing Orders.
He also rebuked Lim’s DAP colleague, Beruas MP Ngeh Koo Ham, who demanded Pandikar be referred to the Parliamentary Rights and Privileges Committee for suspending Lim.
“Don’t ridicule the Speaker. You make a statement ridiculing me and challenging me to resign from my post. You were enjoying it.
“If you lecture me indirectly through the media, you think you are not a disgrace?” the Sabahan quipped.
Pandikar insisted that he did not act with prejudice against Lim and added that he was merely following the democratic process.
“I am not here from the kampung and self-appointed myself. The ones who voted for me are parliamentarians who represent the people.
“I have a responsibility to the people as the Speaker because I do represent their say,” he said.
Lim was ejected from the House after quarrelling with the Speaker during a meeting at the Dewan’s Special Chambers yesterday.
Opposition lawmakers then held a press conference condemning Pandikar’s decision and called for him to quit. 

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